Access to basic engine properties. The [code]Engine[/code] class allows you to query and modify the game's run-time parameters, such as frames per second, time scale, and others. Returns engine author information in a Dictionary. "lead_developers" - Array of Strings, lead developer names "founders" - Array of Strings, founder names "project_managers" - Array of Strings, project manager names "developers" - Array of Strings, developer names Returns an Array of copyright information Dictionaries. "name" - String, component name "parts" - Array of Dictionaries {"files", "copyright", "license"} describing subsections of the component Returns a Dictionary of Arrays of donor names. {"platinum_sponsors", "gold_sponsors", "mini_sponsors", "gold_donors", "silver_donors", "bronze_donors"} Returns the total number of frames drawn. Returns the frames per second of the running game. Returns Dictionary of licenses used by Godot and included third party components. Returns Godot license text. Returns the main loop object (see [MainLoop] and [SceneTree]). Returns the current engine version information in a Dictionary. "major" - Holds the major version number as an int "minor" - Holds the minor version number as an int "patch" - Holds the patch version number as an int "status" - Holds the status (e.g. "beta", "rc1", "rc2", ... "stable") as a String "build" - Holds the build name (e.g. "custom-build") as a String "string" - major + minor + patch + status + build in a single String Returns [code]true[/code] if the game is inside the fixed process and physics phase of the game loop. If [code]true[/code], it is running inside the editor. Useful for tool scripts. The number of fixed iterations per second (for fixed process and physics). The desired frames per second. If the hardware cannot keep up, this setting may not be respected. Defaults to 0, which indicates no limit. Controls how fast or slow the in-game clock ticks versus the real life one. It defaults to 1.0. A value of 2.0 means the game moves twice as fast as real life, whilst a value of 0.5 means the game moves at half the regular speed.