A [Texture] capable of storing many smaller textures with offsets. A [Texture] capable of storing many smaller textures with offsets. You can dynamically add pieces ([Texture]s) to this [LargeTexture] using different offsets. Adds [code]texture[/code] to this [LargeTexture], starting on offset [code]ofs[/code]. Clears the [LargeTexture]. Returns the number of pieces currently in this [LargeTexture]. Returns the offset of the piece with the index [code]idx[/code]. Returns the [Texture] of the piece with the index [code]idx[/code]. Sets the offset of the piece with the index [code]idx[/code] to [code]ofs[/code]. Sets the [Texture] of the piece with index [code]idx[/code] to [code]texture[/code]. Sets the size of this [LargeTexture].