Base node for geometry-based visual instances. Base node for geometry-based visual instances. Shares some common functionality like visibility and custom materials. Overrides the bounding box of this node with a custom one. To remove it, set an [AABB] with all fields set to zero. The selected shadow casting flag. See [enum ShadowCastingSetting] for possible values. The extra distance added to the GeometryInstance3D's bounding box ([AABB]) to increase its cull box. The material override for the whole geometry. If a material is assigned to this property, it will be used instead of any material set in any material slot of the mesh. Transparency applied to the whole geometry. In spatial shaders, transparency is set as the default value of the [code]ALPHA[/code] built-in. Starting distance from which the GeometryInstance3D will be visible, taking [member visibility_range_begin_margin] into account as well. The default value of 0 is used to disable the range check. Margin for the [member visibility_range_begin] threshold. The GeometryInstance3D will only change its visibility state when it goes over or under the [member visibility_range_begin] threshold by this amount. Distance from which the GeometryInstance3D will be hidden, taking [member visibility_range_end_margin] into account as well. The default value of 0 is used to disable the range check. Margin for the [member visibility_range_end] threshold. The GeometryInstance3D will only change its visibility state when it goes over or under the [member visibility_range_end] threshold by this amount. Controls which instances will be faded when approaching the limits of the visibility range. See [enum VisibilityRangeFadeMode] for possible values. Will not cast any shadows. Will cast shadows from all visible faces in the GeometryInstance3D. Will take culling into account, so faces not being rendered will not be taken into account when shadow casting. Will cast shadows from all visible faces in the GeometryInstance3D. Will not take culling into account, so all faces will be taken into account when shadow casting. Will only show the shadows casted from this object. In other words, the actual mesh will not be visible, only the shadows casted from the mesh will be. Will not fade itself nor its visibility dependencies, hysteresis will be used instead. See [member visibility_range_begin] and [member Node3D.visibility_parent] for more information. Will fade-out itself when reaching the limits of its own visibility range. The fading range is determined by [member visibility_range_begin_margin] and [member visibility_range_end_margin]. Will fade-in its visibility dependencies (see [member Node3D.visibility_parent]) when reaching the limits of its own visibility range. The fading range is determined by [member visibility_range_begin_margin] and [member visibility_range_end_margin].