Plays audio. Plays audio, can loop. Saves the AudioStreamSample as a WAV file to [code]path[/code]. Samples with IMA ADPCM format can't be saved. Note that a [code].wav[/code] extension is automatically appended to [code]path[/code] if it is missing. Contains the audio data in bytes. Audio format. See FORMAT_* constants for values. Loop start in bytes. Loop end in bytes. Loop mode. See LOOP_* constants for values. The sample rate for mixing this audio. If [code]true[/code], audio is stereo. Default value: [code]false[/code]. Audio codec 8 bit. Audio codec 16 bit. Audio codec IMA ADPCM. Audio does not loop. Audio loops the data between loop_begin and loop_end playing forward only. Audio loops the data between loop_begin and loop_end playing back and forth. Audio loops the data between loop_begin and loop_end playing backward only.