Object that holds the project-independent editor settings. Object that holds the project-independent editor settings. These settings are generally visible in the Editor Settings menu. Accessing the settings is done by using the regular [Object] API, such as: [codeblock] settings.set(prop,value) settings.get(prop) list_of_settings = settings.get_property_list() [/codeblock] Add a custom property info to a property. The dictionary must contain: name:[String](the name of the property) and type:[int](see TYPE_* in [@GlobalScope]), and optionally hint:[int](see PROPERTY_HINT_* in [@GlobalScope]), hint_string:[String]. Example: [codeblock] editor_settings.set("category/property_name", 0) var property_info = { "name": "category/property_name", "type": TYPE_INT, "hint": PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "hint_string": "one,two,three" } editor_settings.add_property_info(property_info) [/codeblock] Erase a given setting (pass full property path). Get the list of favorite files and directories for this project. Get the specific project settings path. Projects all have a unique sub-directory inside the settings path where project specific settings are saved. Get the list of recently visited folders in the file dialog for this project. Get the global settings path for the engine. Inside this path you can find some standard paths such as: settings/tmp - used for temporary storage of files settings/templates - where export templates are located Set the list of favorite files and directories for this project. Set the list of recently visited folders in the file dialog for this project.