A modification that uses CCDIK to manipulate a series of bones to reach a target. This [SkeletonModification3D] uses an algorithm called [b]C[/b]yclic [b]C[/b]oordinate [b]D[/b]escent [b]I[/b]nverse [b]K[/b]inematics, or CCDIK, to maniuplate a chain of bones in a Skeleton so it reaches a defined target. CCDIK works by rotating a set of bones, typically called a "bone chain", on a single axis. Each bone is rotated to face the target from the tip (by default), which over a chain of bones allow it to rotate properly to reach the target. Because the bones only rotate on a single axis, CCDIK [i]can[/i] look more robotic than other IK solvers. [b]Note:[/b] The CCDIK modifier has [code]ccdik_joints[/code], which are the data objects that hold the data for each joint in the CCDIK chain. This is different from a bone! CCDIK joints hold the data needed for each bone in the bone chain used by CCDIK. CCDIK also fully supports angle constraints, allowing for more control over how a solution is met. Returns the bone index of the bone assigned to the CCDIK joint at [code]joint_idx[/code]. Returns the name of the bone that is assigned to the CCDIK joint at [code]joint_idx[/code]. Returns the integer representing the joint axis of the CCDIK joint at [code]joint_idx[/code]. Returns the maximum angle constraint for the joint at [code]joint_idx[/code]. [b]Note:[/b] This angle is in degrees! Returns the minimum angle constraint for the joint at [code]joint_idx[/code]. [b]Note:[/b] This angle is in degrees! Returns whether the CCDIK joint at [code]joint_idx[/code] uses an inverted joint constraint. See [method set_ccdik_joint_constraint_invert] for details. Enables angle constraints to the CCDIK joint at [code]joint_idx[/code]. Sets the bone index, [code]bone_index[/code], of the CCDIK joint at [code]joint_idx[/code]. When possible, this will also update the [code]bone_name[/code] of the CCDIK joint based on data provided by the linked skeleton. Sets the bone name, [code]bone_name[/code], of the CCDIK joint at [code]joint_idx[/code]. When possible, this will also update the [code]bone_index[/code] of the CCDIK joint based on data provided by the linked skeleton. Sets the joint axis of the CCDIK joint at [code]joint_idx[/code] to the passed-in joint axis, [code]axis[/code]. Sets the maximum angle constraint for the joint at [code]joint_idx[/code]. [b]Note:[/b] This angle must be in radians! Sets the minimum angle constraint for the joint at [code]joint_idx[/code]. [b]Note:[/b] This angle must be in radians! Sets whether the CCDIK joint at [code]joint_idx[/code] uses an inverted joint constraint. An inverted joint constraint only constraints the CCDIK joint to the angles [i]outside of[/i] the inputted minimum and maximum angles. For this reason, it is referred to as an inverted joint constraint, as it constraints the joint to the outside of the inputted values. Sets whether joint constraints are enabled for the CCDIK joint at [code]joint_idx[/code]. The amount of CCDIK joints in the CCDIK modification. When true, the CCDIK algorithm will perform a higher quality solve that returns more natural results. A high quality solve requires more computation power to solve though, and therefore can be disabled to save performance. The NodePath to the node that is the target for the CCDIK modification. This node is what the CCDIK chain will attempt to rotate the bone chain to. The end position of the CCDIK chain. Typically, this should be a child of a [BoneAttachment3D] node attached to the final bone in the CCDIK chain, where the child node is offset so it is at the end of the final bone.