A material for [CanvasItem]s. [code]CanvasItemMaterial[/code]s provide a means of modifying the textures associated with a CanvasItem. They specialize in describing blend and lighting behaviors for textures. Use a [ShaderMaterial] to more fully customize a material's interactions with a [CanvasItem]. The manner in which a material's rendering is applied to underlying textures. The manner in which material reacts to lighting. Mix blending mode. Colors are assumed to be independent of the alpha (opacity) value. Additive blending mode. Subtractive blending mode. Multiplicative blending mode. Mix blending mode. Colors are assumed to be premultiplied by the alpha (opacity) value. Disable blending mode. Colors including alpha are written as is. Only applicable for render targets with a transparent background. No lighting will be applied. Render the material using both light and non-light sensitive material properties. Render the material as if there were no light. Render the material as if there were only light.