Server that manages all translations. Server that manages all translations. Translations can be set to it and removed from it. Adds a [Translation] resource. Clears the server from all translations. Returns an array of all loaded locales of the project. Returns the current locale of the project. See also [method OS.get_locale] and [method OS.get_locale_language] to query the locale of the user system. Returns a locale's language and its variant (e.g. [code]"en_US"[/code] would return [code]"English (United States)"[/code]). Returns the [Translation] instance based on the [code]locale[/code] passed in. It will return a [code]nullptr[/code] if there is no [Translation] instance that matches the [code]locale[/code]. Returns the pseudolocalized string based on the [code]p_message[/code] passed in. Reparses the pseudolocalization options and reloads the translation. Removes the given translation from the server. Sets the locale of the project. The [code]locale[/code] string will be standardized to match known locales (e.g. [code]en-US[/code] would be matched to [code]en_US[/code]). If translations have been loaded beforehand for the new locale, they will be applied. Returns the current locale's translation for the given message (key) and context. Returns the current locale's translation for the given message (key), plural_message and context. The number [code]n[/code] is the number or quantity of the plural object. It will be used to guide the translation system to fetch the correct plural form for the selected language. If [code]true[/code], enables the use of pseudolocalization. See [member ProjectSettings.internationalization/pseudolocalization/use_pseudolocalization] for details.