A scalar floating-point function to be used within the visual shader graph. Accept a floating-point scalar ([code]x[/code]) to the input port and transform it according to [member function]. A function to be applied to the scalar. See [enum Function] for options. Returns the sine of the parameter. Translates to [code]sin(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Returns the cosine of the parameter. Translates to [code]cos(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Returns the tangent of the parameter. Translates to [code]tan(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Returns the arc-sine of the parameter. Translates to [code]asin(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Returns the arc-cosine of the parameter. Translates to [code]acos(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Returns the arc-tangent of the parameter. Translates to [code]atan(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Returns the hyperbolic sine of the parameter. Translates to [code]sinh(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the parameter. Translates to [code]cosh(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the parameter. Translates to [code]tanh(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Returns the natural logarithm of the parameter. Translates to [code]log(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Returns the natural exponentiation of the parameter. Translates to [code]exp(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Returns the square root of the parameter. Translates to [code]sqrt(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Returns the absolute value of the parameter. Translates to [code]abs(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Extracts the sign of the parameter. Translates to [code]sign(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Finds the nearest integer less than or equal to the parameter. Translates to [code]floor(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Finds the nearest integer to the parameter. Translates to [code]round(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Finds the nearest integer that is greater than or equal to the parameter. Translates to [code]ceil(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Computes the fractional part of the argument. Translates to [code]fract(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Clamps the value between [code]0.0[/code] and [code]1.0[/code] using [code]min(max(x, 0.0), 1.0)[/code]. Negates the [code]x[/code] using [code]-(x)[/code]. Returns the arc-hyperbolic-cosine of the parameter. Translates to [code]acosh(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Returns the arc-hyperbolic-sine of the parameter. Translates to [code]asinh(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Returns the arc-hyperbolic-tangent of the parameter. Translates to [code]atanh(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Convert a quantity in radians to degrees. Translates to [code]degrees(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Returns 2 raised by the power of the parameter. Translates to [code]exp2(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Returns the inverse of the square root of the parameter. Translates to [code]inversesqrt(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Returns the base 2 logarithm of the parameter. Translates to [code]log2(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Convert a quantity in degrees to radians. Translates to [code]radians(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Finds reciprocal value of dividing 1 by [code]x[/code] (i.e. [code]1 / x[/code]). Finds the nearest even integer to the parameter. Translates to [code]roundEven(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Returns a value equal to the nearest integer to [code]x[/code] whose absolute value is not larger than the absolute value of [code]x[/code]. Translates to [code]trunc(x)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Subtracts scalar [code]x[/code] from 1 (i.e. [code]1 - x[/code]).