# Build GodotTools solution import os from SCons.Script import Dir def build_godot_tools(source, target, env): # source and target elements are of type SCons.Node.FS.File, hence why we convert them to str module_dir = env['module_dir'] solution_path = os.path.join(module_dir, 'editor/GodotTools/GodotTools.sln') build_config = 'Debug' if env['target'] == 'debug' else 'Release' # Custom build target to make sure output is always copied to the data dir. extra_build_args = ['/Target:Build;GodotTools:BuildAlwaysCopyToDataDir'] from . solution_builder import build_solution, nuget_restore nuget_restore(env, solution_path) build_solution(env, solution_path, build_config, extra_build_args) # No need to copy targets. The GodotTools csproj takes care of copying them. def build(env_mono, api_sln_cmd): assert env_mono['tools'] output_dir = Dir('#bin').abspath editor_tools_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'GodotSharp', 'Tools') target_filenames = ['GodotTools.dll'] if env_mono['target'] == 'debug': target_filenames += ['GodotTools.pdb'] targets = [os.path.join(editor_tools_dir, filename) for filename in target_filenames] cmd = env_mono.CommandNoCache(targets, api_sln_cmd, build_godot_tools, module_dir=os.getcwd()) env_mono.AlwaysBuild(cmd)