Node that represents collision shape data in 2D space. Editor facility for creating and editing collision shapes in 2D space. You can use this node to represent all sorts of collision shapes, for example, add this to an [Area2D] to give it a detection shape, or add it to a [PhysicsBody2D] to create a solid object. [b]IMPORTANT[/b]: this is an Editor-only helper to create shapes, use [method CollisionObject2D.shape_owner_get_shape] to get the actual shape. A disabled collision shape has no effect in the world. This property should be changed with [method Object.set_deferred]. Sets whether this collision shape should only detect collision on one side (top or bottom). The margin used for one-way collision (in pixels). Higher values will make the shape thicker, and work better for colliders that enter the shape at a high velocity. The actual shape owned by this collision shape.