A modification that rotates a bone to look at a target. This [SkeletonModification3D] rotates a bone to look a target. This is extremely helpful for moving character's heads to look at the player, rotating a turret to look at a target, or any other case where you want to make a bone rotate towards something quickly and easily. Returns the amount of extra rotation that is applied to the bone after the LookAt modification executes. Returns the plane that the LookAt modification is limiting rotation to. Returns whether the LookAt modification is limiting rotation to a single plane in 3D space. Sets the amount of extra rotation to be applied after the LookAt modification executes. This allows you to adjust the finished result. When [code]true[/code], the LookAt modification will limit its rotation to a single plane in 3D space. The plane used can be configured using the [code]set_lock_rotation_plane[/code] function. The bone index of the bone that should be operated on by this modification. When possible, this will also update the [member bone_name] based on data provided by the [Skeleton3D]. The name of the bone that should be operated on by this modification. When possible, this will also update the [member bone_index] based on data provided by the [Skeleton3D]. The NodePath to the node that is the target for the modification.