Base class for all primitive meshes. Handles applying a [Material] to a primitive mesh. Base class for all primitive meshes. Handles applying a [Material] to a primitive mesh. Examples include [CapsuleMesh], [CubeMesh], [CylinderMesh], [PlaneMesh], [PrismMesh], [QuadMesh], and [SphereMesh]. Returns mesh arrays used to constitute surface of [Mesh]. Mesh array can be used with [ArrayMesh] to create new surface. Overrides the [AABB] with one defined by user for use with frustum culling. Especially useful to avoid unnexpected culling when using a shader to offset vertices. If set, the order of the vertices in each triangle are reversed resulting in the backside of the mesh being drawn. Result is the same as using *CULL_BACK* in [SpatialMaterial]. Default is false. The current [Material] of the primitive mesh.