Stores audio data loaded from WAV files. AudioStreamSample stores sound samples loaded from WAV files. To play the stored sound, use an [AudioStreamPlayer] (for non-positional audio) or [AudioStreamPlayer2D]/[AudioStreamPlayer3D] (for positional audio). The sound can be looped. This class can also be used to store dynamically-generated PCM audio data. Saves the AudioStreamSample as a WAV file to [code]path[/code]. Samples with IMA ADPCM format can't be saved. [b]Note:[/b] A [code].wav[/code] extension is automatically appended to [code]path[/code] if it is missing. Contains the audio data in bytes. [b]Note:[/b] This property expects signed PCM8 data. To convert unsigned PCM8 to signed PCM8, subtract 128 from each byte. Audio format. See [enum Format] constants for values. The loop start point (in number of samples, relative to the beginning of the sample). This information will be imported automatically from the WAV file if present. The loop end point (in number of samples, relative to the beginning of the sample). This information will be imported automatically from the WAV file if present. The loop mode. This information will be imported automatically from the WAV file if present. See [enum LoopMode] constants for values. The sample rate for mixing this audio. If [code]true[/code], audio is stereo. 8-bit audio codec. 16-bit audio codec. Audio is compressed using IMA ADPCM. Audio does not loop. Audio loops the data between [member loop_begin] and [member loop_end], playing forward only. Audio loops the data between [member loop_begin] and [member loop_end], playing back and forth. Audio loops the data between [member loop_begin] and [member loop_end], playing backward only.