A parallax scrolling layer to be used with [ParallaxBackground]. A ParallaxLayer must be the child of a [ParallaxBackground] node. Each ParallaxLayer can be set to move at different speeds relative to the camera movement or the [member ParallaxBackground.scroll_offset] value. This node's children will be affected by its scroll offset. Return the mirroring of the ParallaxLayer. Return the motion scale of the ParallaxLayer. Set the mirroring of the ParallaxLayer. If an axis is set to 0 then that axis will have no mirroring. Set the motion scale of the ParallaxLayer. If an axis is set to 0 then it will not move at all, it will stick with the camera. The ParallaxLayer's [Texture] mirroring. Useful for creating an infinite scrolling background. If an axis is set to [code]0[/code] the [Texture] will not be mirrored. Default value: [code](0, 0)[/code]. The ParallaxLayer's offset relative to the parent ParallaxBackground's [member ParallaxBackground.scroll_offset]. Multiplies the ParallaxLayer's motion. If an axis is set to [code]0[/code] it will not scroll.