/*************************************************************************/ /* tile_map_editor.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef TILE_MAP_EDITOR_H #define TILE_MAP_EDITOR_H #include "tile_atlas_view.h" #include "core/typedefs.h" #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "scene/2d/tile_map.h" #include "scene/gui/box_container.h" #include "scene/gui/tabs.h" class TileMapEditorPlugin : public VBoxContainer { public: virtual Control *get_toolbar() const { return memnew(Control); }; virtual bool forward_canvas_gui_input(const Ref &p_event) { return false; }; virtual void forward_canvas_draw_over_viewport(Control *p_overlay){}; virtual void tile_set_changed(){}; virtual void edit(ObjectID p_tile_map_id){}; }; class TileMapEditorTilesPlugin : public TileMapEditorPlugin { GDCLASS(TileMapEditorTilesPlugin, TileMapEditorPlugin); private: UndoRedo *undo_redo = EditorNode::get_undo_redo(); ObjectID tile_map_id; virtual void edit(ObjectID p_tile_map_id) override; ///// Toolbar ///// HBoxContainer *toolbar; Ref tool_buttons_group; Button *select_tool_button; Button *paint_tool_button; Button *line_tool_button; Button *rect_tool_button; Button *bucket_tool_button; Button *picker_button; HBoxContainer *tools_settings; VSeparator *tools_settings_vsep; Button *erase_button; CheckBox *bucket_continuous_checkbox; VSeparator *tools_settings_vsep_2; CheckBox *random_tile_checkbox; float scattering = 0.0; Label *scatter_label; SpinBox *scatter_spinbox; void _on_random_tile_checkbox_toggled(bool p_pressed); void _on_scattering_spinbox_changed(double p_value); void _update_toolbar(); ///// Tilemap editing. ///// bool has_mouse = false; void _mouse_exited_viewport(); enum DragType { DRAG_TYPE_NONE = 0, DRAG_TYPE_SELECT, DRAG_TYPE_MOVE, DRAG_TYPE_PAINT, DRAG_TYPE_LINE, DRAG_TYPE_RECT, DRAG_TYPE_BUCKET, DRAG_TYPE_PICK, DRAG_TYPE_CLIPBOARD_PASTE, }; DragType drag_type = DRAG_TYPE_NONE; Vector2 drag_start_mouse_pos; Vector2 drag_last_mouse_pos; Map drag_modified; TileMapCell _pick_random_tile(const TileMapPattern *p_pattern); Map _draw_line(Vector2 p_start_drag_mouse_pos, Vector2 p_from_mouse_pos, Vector2 p_to_mouse_pos); Map _draw_rect(Vector2i p_start_cell, Vector2i p_end_cell); Map _draw_bucket_fill(Vector2i p_coords, bool p_contiguous); void _stop_dragging(); ///// Selection system. ///// Set tile_map_selection; TileMapPattern *tile_map_clipboard = memnew(TileMapPattern); TileMapPattern *selection_pattern = memnew(TileMapPattern); void _set_tile_map_selection(const TypedArray &p_selection); TypedArray _get_tile_map_selection() const; Set tile_set_selection; void _update_selection_pattern_from_tilemap_selection(); void _update_selection_pattern_from_tileset_selection(); void _update_tileset_selection_from_selection_pattern(); void _update_fix_selected_and_hovered(); ///// Bottom panel. ////. Label *missing_source_label; Label *invalid_source_label; ItemList *sources_list; Ref missing_atlas_texture_icon; void _update_tile_set_sources_list(); void _update_bottom_panel(); // Atlas sources. TileMapCell hovered_tile; TileAtlasView *tile_atlas_view; HSplitContainer *atlas_sources_split_container; bool tile_set_dragging_selection = false; Vector2i tile_set_drag_start_mouse_pos; Control *tile_atlas_control; void _tile_atlas_control_mouse_exited(); void _tile_atlas_control_gui_input(const Ref &p_event); void _tile_atlas_control_draw(); Control *alternative_tiles_control; void _tile_alternatives_control_draw(); void _tile_alternatives_control_mouse_exited(); void _tile_alternatives_control_gui_input(const Ref &p_event); void _update_atlas_view(); // Scenes collection sources. ItemList *scene_tiles_list; void _update_scenes_collection_view(); void _scene_thumbnail_done(const String &p_path, const Ref &p_preview, const Ref &p_small_preview, Variant p_ud); void _scenes_list_multi_selected(int p_index, bool p_selected); void _scenes_list_nothing_selected(); // Update callback virtual void tile_set_changed() override; protected: void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual Control *get_toolbar() const override; virtual bool forward_canvas_gui_input(const Ref &p_event) override; virtual void forward_canvas_draw_over_viewport(Control *p_overlay) override; TileMapEditorTilesPlugin(); ~TileMapEditorTilesPlugin(); }; class TileMapEditorTerrainsPlugin : public TileMapEditorPlugin { GDCLASS(TileMapEditorTerrainsPlugin, TileMapEditorPlugin); private: UndoRedo *undo_redo = EditorNode::get_undo_redo(); ObjectID tile_map_id; virtual void edit(ObjectID p_tile_map_id) override; // Toolbar. HBoxContainer *toolbar; Ref tool_buttons_group; Button *paint_tool_button; HBoxContainer *tools_settings; VSeparator *tools_settings_vsep; Button *picker_button; Button *erase_button; void _update_toolbar(); // TileMap editing. enum DragType { DRAG_TYPE_NONE = 0, DRAG_TYPE_PAINT, DRAG_TYPE_PICK, }; DragType drag_type = DRAG_TYPE_NONE; Vector2 drag_start_mouse_pos; Vector2 drag_last_mouse_pos; Map drag_modified; // Painting class Constraint { private: const TileMap *tile_map; Vector2i base_cell_coords = Vector2i(); int bit = -1; int terrain = -1; public: // TODO implement difference operator. bool operator<(const Constraint &p_other) const { if (base_cell_coords == p_other.base_cell_coords) { return bit < p_other.bit; } return base_cell_coords < p_other.base_cell_coords; } String to_string() const { return vformat("Constraint {pos:%s, bit:%d, terrain:%d}", base_cell_coords, bit, terrain); } Vector2i get_base_cell_coords() const { return base_cell_coords; } Map get_overlapping_coords_and_peering_bits() const; void set_terrain(int p_terrain) { terrain = p_terrain; } int get_terrain() const { return terrain; } Constraint(const TileMap *p_tile_map, const Vector2i &p_position, const TileSet::CellNeighbor &p_bit, int p_terrain); Constraint() {} }; typedef Array TerrainsTilePattern; Set _get_valid_terrains_tile_patterns_for_constraints(int p_terrain_set, const Vector2i &p_position, Set p_constraints) const; Set _get_constraints_from_removed_cells_list(const Set &p_to_replace, int p_terrain_set) const; Set _get_constraints_from_added_tile(Vector2i p_position, int p_terrain_set, TerrainsTilePattern p_terrains_tile_pattern) const; Map _wave_function_collapse(const Set &p_to_replace, int p_terrain_set, const Set p_constraints) const; TileMapCell _get_random_tile_from_pattern(int p_terrain_set, TerrainsTilePattern p_terrain_tile_pattern) const; Map _draw_terrains(const Map &p_to_paint, int p_terrain_set) const; // Cached data. TerrainsTilePattern _build_terrains_tile_pattern(TileData *p_tile_data); LocalVector>> per_terrain_terrains_tile_patterns_tiles; LocalVector>> per_terrain_terrains_tile_patterns; Map terrain_tiles; LocalVector tile_sides; // Bottom panel. Tree *terrains_tree; ItemList *terrains_tile_list; // Update functions. void _update_terrains_cache(); void _update_terrains_tree(); void _update_tiles_list(); // Update callback virtual void tile_set_changed() override; protected: void _notification(int p_what); // static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual Control *get_toolbar() const override; virtual bool forward_canvas_gui_input(const Ref &p_event) override; //virtual void forward_canvas_draw_over_viewport(Control *p_overlay) override; TileMapEditorTerrainsPlugin(); ~TileMapEditorTerrainsPlugin(); }; class TileMapEditor : public VBoxContainer { GDCLASS(TileMapEditor, VBoxContainer); private: UndoRedo *undo_redo = EditorNode::get_undo_redo(); bool tileset_changed_needs_update = false; ObjectID tile_map_id; // Vector to keep plugins. Vector tile_map_editor_plugins; // Toolbar. HBoxContainer *tilemap_toolbar; Button *toggle_grid_button; void _on_grid_toggled(bool p_pressed); MenuButton *advanced_menu_button; void _advanced_menu_button_id_pressed(int p_id); // Bottom panel Label *missing_tileset_label; Tabs *tabs; void _update_bottom_panel(); // TileMap Ref missing_tile_texture; Ref warning_pattern_texture; // CallBack void _tile_map_changed(); void _tab_changed(int p_tab_changed); protected: void _notification(int p_what); void _draw_shape(Control *p_control, Rect2 p_region, TileSet::TileShape p_shape, TileSet::TileOffsetAxis p_offset_axis, Color p_color); public: bool forward_canvas_gui_input(const Ref &p_event); void forward_canvas_draw_over_viewport(Control *p_overlay); void edit(TileMap *p_tile_map); Control *get_toolbar() { return tilemap_toolbar; }; TileMapEditor(); ~TileMapEditor(); // Static functions. static Vector get_line(TileMap *p_tile_map, Vector2i p_from_cell, Vector2i p_to_cell); }; #endif // TILE_MAP_EDITOR_PLUGIN_H