/*************************************************************************/ /* cp_tables.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* http://www.godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2017 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md) */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "cp_tables.h" int32_t CPTables::linear_period_to_freq_tab[768] = { 535232, 534749, 534266, 533784, 533303, 532822, 532341, 531861, 531381, 530902, 530423, 529944, 529466, 528988, 528511, 528034, 527558, 527082, 526607, 526131, 525657, 525183, 524709, 524236, 523763, 523290, 522818, 522346, 521875, 521404, 520934, 520464, 519994, 519525, 519057, 518588, 518121, 517653, 517186, 516720, 516253, 515788, 515322, 514858, 514393, 513929, 513465, 513002, 512539, 512077, 511615, 511154, 510692, 510232, 509771, 509312, 508852, 508393, 507934, 507476, 507018, 506561, 506104, 505647, 505191, 504735, 504280, 503825, 503371, 502917, 502463, 502010, 501557, 501104, 500652, 500201, 499749, 499298, 498848, 498398, 497948, 497499, 497050, 496602, 496154, 495706, 495259, 494812, 494366, 493920, 493474, 493029, 492585, 492140, 491696, 491253, 490809, 490367, 489924, 489482, 489041, 488600, 488159, 487718, 487278, 486839, 486400, 485961, 485522, 485084, 484647, 484210, 483773, 483336, 482900, 482465, 482029, 481595, 481160, 480726, 480292, 479859, 479426, 478994, 478562, 478130, 477699, 477268, 476837, 476407, 475977, 475548, 475119, 474690, 474262, 473834, 473407, 472979, 472553, 472126, 471701, 471275, 470850, 470425, 470001, 469577, 469153, 468730, 468307, 467884, 467462, 467041, 466619, 466198, 465778, 465358, 464938, 464518, 464099, 463681, 463262, 462844, 462427, 462010, 461593, 461177, 460760, 460345, 459930, 459515, 459100, 458686, 458272, 457859, 457446, 457033, 456621, 456209, 455797, 455386, 454975, 454565, 454155, 453745, 453336, 452927, 452518, 452110, 451702, 451294, 450887, 450481, 450074, 449668, 449262, 448857, 448452, 448048, 447644, 447240, 446836, 446433, 446030, 445628, 445226, 444824, 444423, 444022, 443622, 443221, 442821, 442422, 442023, 441624, 441226, 440828, 440430, 440033, 439636, 439239, 438843, 438447, 438051, 437656, 437261, 436867, 436473, 436079, 435686, 435293, 434900, 434508, 434116, 433724, 433333, 432942, 432551, 432161, 431771, 431382, 430992, 430604, 430215, 429827, 429439, 429052, 428665, 428278, 427892, 427506, 427120, 426735, 426350, 425965, 425581, 425197, 424813, 424430, 424047, 423665, 423283, 422901, 422519, 422138, 421757, 421377, 420997, 420617, 420237, 419858, 419479, 419101, 418723, 418345, 417968, 417591, 417214, 416838, 416462, 416086, 415711, 415336, 414961, 414586, 414212, 413839, 413465, 413092, 412720, 412347, 411975, 411604, 411232, 410862, 410491, 410121, 409751, 409381, 409012, 408643, 408274, 407906, 407538, 407170, 406803, 406436, 406069, 405703, 405337, 404971, 404606, 404241, 403876, 403512, 403148, 402784, 402421, 402058, 401695, 401333, 400970, 400609, 400247, 399886, 399525, 399165, 398805, 398445, 398086, 397727, 397368, 397009, 396651, 396293, 395936, 395579, 395222, 394865, 394509, 394153, 393798, 393442, 393087, 392733, 392378, 392024, 391671, 391317, 390964, 390612, 390259, 389907, 389556, 389204, 388853, 388502, 388152, 387802, 387452, 387102, 386753, 386404, 386056, 385707, 385359, 385012, 384664, 384317, 383971, 383624, 383278, 382932, 382587, 382242, 381897, 381552, 381208, 380864, 380521, 380177, 379834, 379492, 379149, 378807, 378466, 378124, 377783, 377442, 377102, 376762, 376422, 376082, 375743, 375404, 375065, 374727, 374389, 374051, 373714, 373377, 373040, 372703, 372367, 372031, 371695, 371360, 371025, 370690, 370356, 370022, 369688, 369355, 369021, 368688, 368356, 368023, 367691, 367360, 367028, 366697, 366366, 366036, 365706, 365376, 365046, 364717, 364388, 364059, 363731, 363403, 363075, 362747, 362420, 362093, 361766, 361440, 361114, 360788, 360463, 360137, 359813, 359488, 359164, 358840, 358516, 358193, 357869, 357547, 357224, 356902, 356580, 356258, 355937, 355616, 355295, 354974, 354654, 354334, 354014, 353695, 353376, 353057, 352739, 352420, 352103, 351785, 351468, 351150, 350834, 350517, 350201, 349885, 349569, 349254, 348939, 348624, 348310, 347995, 347682, 347368, 347055, 346741, 346429, 346116, 345804, 345492, 345180, 344869, 344558, 344247, 343936, 343626, 343316, 343006, 342697, 342388, 342079, 341770, 341462, 341154, 340846, 340539, 340231, 339924, 339618, 339311, 339005, 338700, 338394, 338089, 337784, 337479, 337175, 336870, 336566, 336263, 335959, 335656, 335354, 335051, 334749, 334447, 334145, 333844, 333542, 333242, 332941, 332641, 332341, 332041, 331741, 331442, 331143, 330844, 330546, 330247, 329950, 329652, 329355, 329057, 328761, 328464, 328168, 327872, 327576, 327280, 326985, 326690, 326395, 326101, 325807, 325513, 325219, 324926, 324633, 324340, 324047, 323755, 323463, 323171, 322879, 322588, 322297, 322006, 321716, 321426, 321136, 320846, 320557, 320267, 319978, 319690, 319401, 319113, 318825, 318538, 318250, 317963, 317676, 317390, 317103, 316817, 316532, 316246, 315961, 315676, 315391, 315106, 314822, 314538, 314254, 313971, 313688, 313405, 313122, 312839, 312557, 312275, 311994, 311712, 311431, 311150, 310869, 310589, 310309, 310029, 309749, 309470, 309190, 308911, 308633, 308354, 308076, 307798, 307521, 307243, 306966, 306689, 306412, 306136, 305860, 305584, 305308, 305033, 304758, 304483, 304208, 303934, 303659, 303385, 303112, 302838, 302565, 302292, 302019, 301747, 301475, 301203, 300931, 300660, 300388, 300117, 299847, 299576, 299306, 299036, 298766, 298497, 298227, 297958, 297689, 297421, 297153, 296884, 296617, 296349, 296082, 295815, 295548, 295281, 295015, 294749, 294483, 294217, 293952, 293686, 293421, 293157, 292892, 292628, 292364, 292100, 291837, 291574, 291311, 291048, 290785, 290523, 290261, 289999, 289737, 289476, 289215, 288954, 288693, 288433, 288173, 287913, 287653, 287393, 287134, 286875, 286616, 286358, 286099, 285841, 285583, 285326, 285068, 284811, 284554, 284298, 284041, 283785, 283529, 283273, 283017, 282762, 282507, 282252, 281998, 281743, 281489, 281235, 280981, 280728, 280475, 280222, 279969, 279716, 279464, 279212, 278960, 278708, 278457, 278206, 277955, 277704, 277453, 277203, 276953, 276703, 276453, 276204, 275955, 275706, 275457, 275209, 274960, 274712, 274465, 274217, 273970, 273722, 273476, 273229, 272982, 272736, 272490, 272244, 271999, 271753, 271508, 271263, 271018, 270774, 270530, 270286, 270042, 269798, 269555, 269312, 269069, 268826, 268583, 268341, 268099, 267857 }; uint16_t CPTables::old_period_table[OCTAVE * 2] = { 0x6b00, 0x6800, 0x6500, 0x6220, 0x5f50, 0x5c80, 0x5a00, 0x5740, 0x54d0, 0x5260, 0x5010, 0x4dc0, 0x4b90, 0x4960, 0x4750, 0x4540, 0x4350, 0x4160, 0x3f90, 0x3dc0, 0x3c10, 0x3a40, 0x38b0, 0x3700 }; #define LOGFAC 2 * 16 uint16_t CPTables::log_table[104] = { LOGFAC * 907, LOGFAC * 900, LOGFAC * 894, LOGFAC * 887, LOGFAC * 881, LOGFAC * 875, LOGFAC * 868, LOGFAC * 862, LOGFAC * 856, LOGFAC * 850, LOGFAC * 844, LOGFAC * 838, LOGFAC * 832, LOGFAC * 826, LOGFAC * 820, LOGFAC * 814, LOGFAC * 808, LOGFAC * 802, LOGFAC * 796, LOGFAC * 791, LOGFAC * 785, LOGFAC * 779, LOGFAC * 774, LOGFAC * 768, LOGFAC * 762, LOGFAC * 757, LOGFAC * 752, LOGFAC * 746, LOGFAC * 741, LOGFAC * 736, LOGFAC * 730, LOGFAC * 725, LOGFAC * 720, LOGFAC * 715, LOGFAC * 709, LOGFAC * 704, LOGFAC * 699, LOGFAC * 694, LOGFAC * 689, LOGFAC * 684, LOGFAC * 678, LOGFAC * 675, LOGFAC * 670, LOGFAC * 665, LOGFAC * 660, LOGFAC * 655, LOGFAC * 651, LOGFAC * 646, LOGFAC * 640, LOGFAC * 636, LOGFAC * 632, LOGFAC * 628, LOGFAC * 623, LOGFAC * 619, LOGFAC * 614, LOGFAC * 610, LOGFAC * 604, LOGFAC * 601, LOGFAC * 597, LOGFAC * 592, LOGFAC * 588, LOGFAC * 584, LOGFAC * 580, LOGFAC * 575, LOGFAC * 570, LOGFAC * 567, LOGFAC * 563, LOGFAC * 559, LOGFAC * 555, LOGFAC * 551, LOGFAC * 547, LOGFAC * 543, LOGFAC * 538, LOGFAC * 535, LOGFAC * 532, LOGFAC * 528, LOGFAC * 524, LOGFAC * 520, LOGFAC * 516, LOGFAC * 513, LOGFAC * 508, LOGFAC * 505, LOGFAC * 502, LOGFAC * 498, LOGFAC * 494, LOGFAC * 491, LOGFAC * 487, LOGFAC * 484, LOGFAC * 480, LOGFAC * 477, LOGFAC * 474, LOGFAC * 470, LOGFAC * 467, LOGFAC * 463, LOGFAC * 460, LOGFAC * 457, LOGFAC * 453, LOGFAC * 450, LOGFAC * 447, LOGFAC * 443, LOGFAC * 440, LOGFAC * 437, LOGFAC * 434, LOGFAC * 431 }; int32_t CPTables::get_linear_period(uint16_t note, int32_t fine) { int32_t t; t = (24L * OCTAVE - (int32_t)note) * 32L - (fine >> 1); return t; } static int s3m_period_table[12] = { 1712, 1616, 1524, 1440, 1356, 1280, 1208, 1140, 1076, 1016, 960, 907 }; int32_t CPTables::get_log_period(uint16_t note, int32_t p_c5freq) { return (8363L * 16 * s3m_period_table[note % 12] >> (note / 12)) / p_c5freq; } /* int32_t CPTables::get_log_period(uint16_t note,int32_t p_c5freq) { uint16_t n,o; uint16_t p1,p2; int32_t i; n=note%(2*OCTAVE); o=note/(2*OCTAVE); i=(n<<2); // n*8 + fine/16 if (i<0) i=0; if (i>102) i=102; p1=log_table[i]; p2=log_table[i+1]; return (Interpolate(fine>>4,0,15,p1,p2)>>o); } */ int32_t CPTables::get_old_period(uint16_t note, int32_t speed) { uint16_t n, o, res; // if (!speed) { // return 4242; /* <- prevent divide overflow */ // } n = note % (2 * OCTAVE); o = note / (2 * OCTAVE); res = ((8363L * (int32_t)old_period_table[n]) >> o) / ((old_period_table[17] >> 1) + (speed << 2)); /*/(128-speed)*/ ; return res; } int32_t CPTables::get_linear_frequency(int32_t period) { int32_t shift_value = (((int32_t)period / 768) - 2); if (shift_value > 0) { return linear_period_to_freq_tab[period % 768] >> shift_value; } else { shift_value = 0 - shift_value; return linear_period_to_freq_tab[period % 768] << shift_value; } } int32_t CPTables::get_old_frequency(int32_t period) { return (8363L * 1712L) / (period ? period : 1); } CPTables::CPTables() { } CPTables::~CPTables() { }