A WebSocket server implementation This class implements a WebSocket server that can also support the high level multiplayer API. After starting the server ([method listen]), you will need to [method NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.poll] it at regular intervals (e.g. inside [method Node._process]). When clients connect, disconnect, or send data, you will receive the appropriate signal. Note: This class will not work in HTML5 exports due to browser restrictions. Disconnects the peer identified by [code]id[/code] from the server. See [method WebSocketPeer.close] for more info. Returns the IP address of the given peer. Returns the remote port of the given peer. Returns [code]true[/code] if a peer with the given ID is connected. Returns [code]true[/code] if the server is actively listening on a port. Start listening on the given port. You can specify the desired subprotocols via the "protocols" array. If the list empty (default), "binary" will be used. If [code]true[/code] is passed as [code]gd_mp_api[/code], the server will behave like a network peer for the [MultiplayerAPI], connections from non Godot clients will not work, and [signal data_received] will not be emitted. If [code]false[/code] is passed instead (default), you must call [PacketPeer] functions ([code]put_packet[/code], [code]get_packet[/code], etc.), on the [WebSocketPeer] returned via [code]get_peer(ID)[/code] to communicate with the peer with given [code]ID[/code] (e.g. [code]get_peer(ID).get_available_packet_count[/code]). Stop the server and clear its state. Emitted when a client requests a clean close. You should keep polling until you get a [signal client_disconnected] signal with the same [code]id[/code] to achieve the clean close. See [method WebSocketPeer.close] for more details. Emitted when a new client connects. "protocol" will be the sub-protocol agreed with the client. Emitted when a client disconnects. [code]was_clean_close[/code] will be [code]true[/code] if the connection was shutdown cleanly. Emitted when a new message is received. Note: This signal is NOT emitted when used as high level multiplayer peer.