UDP packet peer. UDP packet peer. Can be used to send raw UDP packets as well as [Variant]s. Closes the UDP socket the [PacketPeerUDP] is currently listening on. Returns the IP of the remote peer that sent the last packet(that was received with [method PacketPeer.get_packet] or [method PacketPeer.get_var]). Returns the port of the remote peer that sent the last packet(that was received with [method PacketPeer.get_packet] or [method PacketPeer.get_var]). Returns whether this [PacketPeerUDP] is listening. Joins the multicast group specified by [code]multicast_address[/code] using the interface identified by [code]interface_name[/code]. You can join the same multicast group with multiple interfaces. Use [method IP.get_local_interfaces] to know which are available. Note: Some Android devices might require the [code]CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE[/code] permission for multicast to work. Removes the interface identified by [code]interface_name[/code] from the multicast group specified by [code]multicast_address[/code]. Makes this [PacketPeerUDP] listen on the [code]port[/code] binding to [code]bind_address[/code] with a buffer size [code]recv_buf_size[/code]. If [code]bind_address[/code] is set to [code]"*"[/code] (default), the peer will listen on all available addresses (both IPv4 and IPv6). If [code]bind_address[/code] is set to [code]""[/code] (for IPv4) or [code]"::"[/code] (for IPv6), the peer will listen on all available addresses matching that IP type. If [code]bind_address[/code] is set to any valid address (e.g. [code]""[/code], [code]"::1"[/code], etc), the peer will only listen on the interface with that addresses (or fail if no interface with the given address exists). Enable or disable sending of broadcast packets (e.g. [code]set_dest_address("", 4343)[/code]. This option is disabled by default. Note: Some Android devices might require the [code]CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE[/code] permission and this option to be enabled to receive broadcast packets too. Sets the destination address and port for sending packets and variables. A hostname will be resolved using DNS if needed. Note: [method set_broadcast_enabled] must be enabled before sending packets to a broadcast address (e.g. [code][/code]). Waits for a packet to arrive on the listening port. See [method listen].