/*************************************************************************/ /* input_filter.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef INPUT_H #define INPUT_H #include "core/input/input_event.h" #include "core/object.h" #include "core/os/thread_safe.h" class InputFilter : public Object { GDCLASS(InputFilter, Object); _THREAD_SAFE_CLASS_ static InputFilter *singleton; public: enum MouseMode { MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE, MOUSE_MODE_HIDDEN, MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED, MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED }; #undef CursorShape enum CursorShape { CURSOR_ARROW, CURSOR_IBEAM, CURSOR_POINTING_HAND, CURSOR_CROSS, CURSOR_WAIT, CURSOR_BUSY, CURSOR_DRAG, CURSOR_CAN_DROP, CURSOR_FORBIDDEN, CURSOR_VSIZE, CURSOR_HSIZE, CURSOR_BDIAGSIZE, CURSOR_FDIAGSIZE, CURSOR_MOVE, CURSOR_VSPLIT, CURSOR_HSPLIT, CURSOR_HELP, CURSOR_MAX }; enum HatMask { HAT_MASK_CENTER = 0, HAT_MASK_UP = 1, HAT_MASK_RIGHT = 2, HAT_MASK_DOWN = 4, HAT_MASK_LEFT = 8, }; enum HatDir { HAT_UP, HAT_RIGHT, HAT_DOWN, HAT_LEFT, HAT_MAX, }; enum { JOYPADS_MAX = 16, }; struct JoyAxis { int min; float value; }; typedef void (*EventDispatchFunc)(const Ref &p_event); private: int mouse_button_mask; Set keys_pressed; Set joy_buttons_pressed; Map _joy_axis; //Map custom_action_press; Vector3 gravity; Vector3 accelerometer; Vector3 magnetometer; Vector3 gyroscope; Vector2 mouse_pos; int64_t mouse_window; struct Action { uint64_t physics_frame; uint64_t idle_frame; bool pressed; float strength; }; Map action_state; bool emulate_touch_from_mouse; bool emulate_mouse_from_touch; int mouse_from_touch_index; struct VibrationInfo { float weak_magnitude; float strong_magnitude; float duration; // Duration in seconds uint64_t timestamp; }; Map joy_vibration; struct SpeedTrack { uint64_t last_tick; Vector2 speed; Vector2 accum; float accum_t; float min_ref_frame; float max_ref_frame; void update(const Vector2 &p_delta_p); void reset(); SpeedTrack(); }; struct Joypad { StringName name; StringName uid; bool connected; bool last_buttons[JOY_BUTTON_MAX + 19]; //apparently SDL specifies 35 possible buttons on android float last_axis[JOY_AXIS_MAX]; float filter; int last_hat; int mapping; int hat_current; Joypad() { for (int i = 0; i < JOY_AXIS_MAX; i++) { last_axis[i] = 0.0f; } for (int i = 0; i < JOY_BUTTON_MAX + 19; i++) { last_buttons[i] = false; } connected = false; last_hat = HAT_MASK_CENTER; filter = 0.01f; mapping = -1; hat_current = 0; } }; SpeedTrack mouse_speed_track; Map touch_speed_track; Map joy_names; int fallback_mapping; CursorShape default_shape; enum JoyType { TYPE_BUTTON, TYPE_AXIS, TYPE_HAT, TYPE_MAX, }; struct JoyEvent { int type; int index; int value; }; struct JoyDeviceMapping { String uid; String name; Map buttons; Map axis; JoyEvent hat[HAT_MAX]; }; JoyEvent hat_map_default[HAT_MAX]; Vector map_db; JoyEvent _find_to_event(String p_to); void _button_event(int p_device, int p_index, bool p_pressed); void _axis_event(int p_device, int p_axis, float p_value); float _handle_deadzone(int p_device, int p_axis, float p_value); void _parse_input_event_impl(const Ref &p_event, bool p_is_emulated); List> accumulated_events; bool use_accumulated_input; friend class DisplayServer; static void (*set_mouse_mode_func)(MouseMode); static MouseMode (*get_mouse_mode_func)(); static void (*warp_mouse_func)(const Vector2 &p_to_pos); static CursorShape (*get_current_cursor_shape_func)(); static void (*set_custom_mouse_cursor_func)(const RES &, CursorShape, const Vector2 &); EventDispatchFunc event_dispatch_function; protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: void set_mouse_mode(MouseMode p_mode); MouseMode get_mouse_mode() const; void get_argument_options(const StringName &p_function, int p_idx, List *r_options) const; static InputFilter *get_singleton(); bool is_key_pressed(int p_keycode) const; bool is_mouse_button_pressed(int p_button) const; bool is_joy_button_pressed(int p_device, int p_button) const; bool is_action_pressed(const StringName &p_action) const; bool is_action_just_pressed(const StringName &p_action) const; bool is_action_just_released(const StringName &p_action) const; float get_action_strength(const StringName &p_action) const; float get_joy_axis(int p_device, int p_axis) const; String get_joy_name(int p_idx); Array get_connected_joypads(); Vector2 get_joy_vibration_strength(int p_device); float get_joy_vibration_duration(int p_device); uint64_t get_joy_vibration_timestamp(int p_device); void joy_connection_changed(int p_idx, bool p_connected, String p_name, String p_guid = ""); void parse_joypad_mapping(String p_mapping, bool p_update_existing); Vector3 get_gravity() const; Vector3 get_accelerometer() const; Vector3 get_magnetometer() const; Vector3 get_gyroscope() const; Point2 get_mouse_position() const; Point2 get_last_mouse_speed() const; int get_mouse_button_mask() const; void warp_mouse_position(const Vector2 &p_to); Point2i warp_mouse_motion(const Ref &p_motion, const Rect2 &p_rect); void parse_input_event(const Ref &p_event); void set_gravity(const Vector3 &p_gravity); void set_accelerometer(const Vector3 &p_accel); void set_magnetometer(const Vector3 &p_magnetometer); void set_gyroscope(const Vector3 &p_gyroscope); void set_joy_axis(int p_device, int p_axis, float p_value); void start_joy_vibration(int p_device, float p_weak_magnitude, float p_strong_magnitude, float p_duration = 0); void stop_joy_vibration(int p_device); void vibrate_handheld(int p_duration_ms = 500); void set_mouse_position(const Point2 &p_posf); void action_press(const StringName &p_action, float p_strength = 1.f); void action_release(const StringName &p_action); void iteration(float p_step); void set_emulate_touch_from_mouse(bool p_emulate); bool is_emulating_touch_from_mouse() const; void ensure_touch_mouse_raised(); void set_emulate_mouse_from_touch(bool p_emulate); bool is_emulating_mouse_from_touch() const; CursorShape get_default_cursor_shape() const; void set_default_cursor_shape(CursorShape p_shape); CursorShape get_current_cursor_shape() const; void set_custom_mouse_cursor(const RES &p_cursor, CursorShape p_shape = InputFilter::CURSOR_ARROW, const Vector2 &p_hotspot = Vector2()); void parse_mapping(String p_mapping); void joy_button(int p_device, int p_button, bool p_pressed); void joy_axis(int p_device, int p_axis, const JoyAxis &p_value); void joy_hat(int p_device, int p_val); void add_joy_mapping(String p_mapping, bool p_update_existing = false); void remove_joy_mapping(String p_guid); String get_joy_button_string(int p_button); String get_joy_axis_string(int p_axis); int get_joy_axis_index_from_string(String p_axis); int get_joy_button_index_from_string(String p_button); int get_unused_joy_id(); bool is_joy_known(int p_device); String get_joy_guid(int p_device) const; void set_fallback_mapping(String p_guid); void accumulate_input_event(const Ref &p_event); void flush_accumulated_events(); void set_use_accumulated_input(bool p_enable); void release_pressed_events(); void set_event_dispatch_function(EventDispatchFunc p_function); InputFilter(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(InputFilter::MouseMode); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(InputFilter::CursorShape); #endif // INPUT_H