Global scope constants and variables. Global scope constants and variables. This is all that resides in the globals, constants regarding error codes, scancodes, property hints, etc. It's not much. Singletons are also documented here, since they can be accessed from anywhere. [ARVRServer] singleton [AudioServer] singleton [ClassDB] singleton [Engine] singleton [Geometry] singleton [IP] singleton [Input] singleton [InputMap] singleton [Marshalls] singleton [OS] singleton [Performance] singleton [Physics2DServer] singleton [PhysicsServer] singleton [ProjectSettings] singleton [ResourceLoader] singleton [ResourceSaver] singleton [TranslationServer] singleton [VisualServer] singleton Left margin, used usually for [Control] or [StyleBox] derived classes. Top margin, used usually for [Control] or [StyleBox] derived classes. Right margin, used usually for [Control] or [StyleBox] derived classes. Bottom margin, used usually for [Control] or [StyleBox] derived classes. General vertical alignment, used usually for [Separator], [ScrollBar], [Slider], etc. General horizontal alignment, used usually for [Separator], [ScrollBar], [Slider], etc. Horizontal left alignment, usually for text-derived classes. Horizontal center alignment, usually for text-derived classes. Horizontal right alignment, usually for text-derived classes. Vertical top alignment, usually for text-derived classes. Vertical center alignment, usually for text-derived classes. Vertical bottom alignment, usually for text-derived classes. Scancodes with this bit applied are non printable. Escape Key Tab Key Shift-Tab Key Backspace Key Return Key (On Main Keyboard) Enter Key (On Numpad) Insert Key Delete Key Pause Key Printscreen Key Home Key End Key Left Arrow Key Up Arrow Key Right Arrow Key Down Arrow Key Pageup Key Pagedown Key Shift Key Control Key Alt Key Capslock Key Numlock Key Scrolllock Key F1 Key F2 Key F3 Key F4 Key F5 Key F6 Key F7 Key F8 Key F9 Key F10 Key F11 Key F12 Key F13 Key F14 Key F15 Key F16 Key Multiply Key on Numpad Divide Key on Numpad Subtract Key on Numpad Period Key on Numpad Add Key on Numpad Number 0 on Numpad Number 1 on Numpad Number 2 on Numpad Number 3 on Numpad Number 4 on Numpad Number 5 on Numpad Number 6 on Numpad Number 7 on Numpad Number 8 on Numpad Number 9 on Numpad Super Left key (windows key) Super Left key (windows key) Context menu key Help key Back key Forward key Stop key Refresh key Volume down key Mute volume key Volume up key Media play key Media stop key Previous song key Next song key Media record key Home page key Favorites key Search key Space Key ! key " key # key $ key % key & key ' key ( key ) key * key + key , key - key . key / key Number 0 Number 1 Number 2 Number 3 Number 4 Number 5 Number 6 Number 7 Number 8 Number 9 : key ; key Lower than key = key Greater than key ? key @ key A Key B Key C Key D Key E Key F Key G Key H Key I Key J Key K Key L Key M Key N Key O Key P Key Q Key R Key S Key T Key U Key V Key W Key X Key Y Key Z Key [ key \ key ] key ^ key _ key { key | key } key ~ key ¢ key ¦ key § key ¨ key © key « key » key ‐ key ® key ° key ± key ² key ³ key ´ key µ key · key ¬ key ½ key Left Mouse Button Right Mouse Button Middle Mouse Button Mouse wheel up Mouse wheel down Mouse wheel left button Mouse wheel right button Joypad Button 0 Joypad Button 1 Joypad Button 2 Joypad Button 3 Joypad Button 4 Joypad Button 5 Joypad Button 6 Joypad Button 7 Joypad Button 8 Joypad Button 9 Joypad Button 10 Joypad Button 11 Joypad Button 12 Joypad Button 13 Joypad Button 14 Joypad Button 15 Joypad Button 16 DUALSHOCK circle button DUALSHOCK X button DUALSHOCK square button DUALSHOCK triangle button XBOX controller B button XBOX controller A button XBOX controller X button XBOX controller Y button Joypad Button Select Joypad Button Start Joypad DPad Up Joypad DPad Down Joypad DPad Left Joypad DPad Right Joypad Left Shoulder Button Joypad Left Trigger Joypad Left Stick Click Joypad Right Shoulder Button Joypad Right Trigger Joypad Right Stick Click Joypad Left Stick Horizontal Axis Joypad Left Stick Vertical Axis Joypad Right Stick Horizontal Axis Joypad Right Stick Vertical Axis Joypad Left Trigger Analog Axis Joypad Right Trigger Analog Axis Joypad Left Stick Horizontal Axis Joypad Left Stick Vertical Axis Joypad Right Stick Horizontal Axis Joypad Right Stick Vertical Axis Functions that return Error return OK when everything went ok. Most functions don't return error anyway and/or just print errors to stdout. Generic fail return error. No hint for edited property. Hints that the string is a range, defined as "min,max" or "min,max,step". This is valid for integers and floats. Hints that the string is an exponential range, defined as "min,max" or "min,max,step". This is valid for integers and floats. Property hint for an enumerated value, like "Hello,Something,Else". This is valid for integer, float and string properties. Property hint for a bitmask description, for bits 0,1,2,3 and 5 the hint would be like "Bit0,Bit1,Bit2,Bit3,,Bit5". Valid only for integers. String property is a file (so pop up a file dialog when edited). Hint string can be a set of wildcards like "*.doc". String property is a directory (so pop up a file dialog when edited). String property is a resource, so open the resource popup menu when edited. Property will be used as storage (default). Property will be visible in editor (default). Default usage (storage and editor). Variable is of type nil (only applied for null). Variable is of type [bool]. Variable is of type [int]. Variable is of type [float]/real. Variable is of type [String]. Variable is of type [Vector2]. Variable is of type [Rect2]. Variable is of type [Vector3]. Variable is of type [Transform2D]. Variable is of type [Plane]. Variable is of type [Quat]. Variable is of type [Rect3]. Variable is of type [Basis]. Variable is of type [Transform]. Variable is of type [Color]. Variable is of type [NodePath]. Variable is of type [RID]. Variable is of type [Object]. Variable is of type [Dictionary]. Variable is of type [Array]. Variable is of type [PoolByteArray]. Variable is of type [PoolIntArray]. Variable is of type [PoolRealArray]. Variable is of type [PoolStringArray]. Variable is of type [PoolVector2Array]. Variable is of type [PoolVector3Array]. Variable is of type [PoolColorArray].