Animation Player that uses a node graph for the blending. Animation Player that uses a node graph for the blending. This kind of player is very useful when animating character or other skeleton based rigs, because it can combine several animations to form a desired pose. Add a node of a given type in the graph with given id. Returns an animation given its name. Set the animation for an animation node. Returns whether node [code]id[/code] and [code]dst_id[/code] are connected at the specified slot. Returns the blend amount of a Blend2 node given its name. Sets the blend amount of a Blend2 node given its name and value. Returns the blend amount of a Blend3 node given its name. Sets the blend amount of a Blend3 node given its name and value. Returns the blend amount of a Blend4 node given its name. Sets the blend amount of a Blend4 node given its name and value. Connects node [code]id[/code] to [code]dst_id[/code] at the specified input slot. Disconnects nodes connected to [code]id[/code] at the specified input slot. Returns playback process mode of this AnimationTreePlayer. Returns a PoolStringArray containing the name of all nodes. Returns whether this AnimationTreePlayer is active. Returns mix amount of a Mix node given its name. Sets mix amount of a Mix node given its name and value. Check if a node exists (by name). Return the input count for a given node. Different types of nodes have different amount of inputs. Return the input source for a given node input. Returns position of a node in the graph given its name. Get the node type, will return from NODE_* enum. Rename a node in the graph. Sets position of a node in the graph given its name and position. Returns autostart delay of a OneShot node given its name. Returns autostart random delay of a OneShot node given its name. Returns fade in time of a OneShot node given its name. Returns fade out time of a OneShot node given its name. Returns whether a OneShot node will auto restart given its name. Returns whether a OneShot node is active given its name. Sets autorestart property of a OneShot node given its name and value. Sets autorestart delay of a OneShot node given its name and value in seconds. Sets autorestart random delay of a OneShot node given its name and value in seconds. Sets fade in time of a OneShot node given its name and value in seconds. Sets fade out time of a OneShot node given its name and value in seconds. Starts a OneShot node given its name. Stops a OneShot node given its name. Resets this AnimationTreePlayer. Sets whether this AnimationTreePlayer is active. AnimationTreePlayer will start processing if set to active. Sets process mode (ANIMATION_PROCESS_*) of this AnimationTreePlayer. Sets base path of this AnimationTreePlayer. Returns time scale value of a TimeScale node given its name. Sets time scale value of a TimeScale node given its name and value. Sets time seek value of a TimeSeek node given its name and value. Output node. Animation node. OneShot node. Mix node. Blend2 node. Blend3 node. Blend4 node. TimeScale node. TimeSeek node. Transition node.