Damped spring constraint for 2D physics. Damped spring constraint for 2D physics. This resembles a spring joint that always wants to go back to a given length. Return the damping ratio of the spring joint. A value of 0 indicates an undamped spring, while 1 causes the system to reach equilibrium as fast as possible (critical damping). Return the maximum length of the spring joint. Return the resting length of the spring joint. The joint will always try to go to back this length when pulled apart. Return the stiffness of the spring joint. The joint applies a force equal to the stiffness times the distance from its resting length. Set the damping ratio of the spring joint. A value of 0 indicates an undamped spring, while 1 causes the system to reach equilibrium as fast as possible (critical damping). Set the maximum length of the spring joint. Set the resting length of the spring joint. The joint will always try to go to back this length when pulled apart. Set the stiffness of the spring joint. The joint applies a force equal to the stiffness times the distance from its resting length.