UDP packet peer. UDP packet peer. Can be used to send raw UDP packets as well as [Variant]s. Close the UDP socket the [PacketPeerUDP] is currently listening on. Return the IP of the remote peer that sent the last packet(that was received with [method get_packet] or [method get_var]). Return the port of the remote peer that sent the last packet(that was received with [method get_packet] or [method get_var]). Return whether this [PacketPeerUDP] is listening. Make this [PacketPeerUDP] listen on the "port" binding to "bind_address" with a buffer size "recv_buf_size". If "bind_address" is set as "*" (default), the peer will listen on all available addresses (both IPv4 and IPv6). If "bind_address" is set as "" (for IPv4) or "::" (for IPv6), the peer will listen on all available addresses matching that IP type. If "bind_address" is set to any valid address (e.g. "", "::1", etc), the peer will only listen on the interface with that addresses (or fail if no interface with the given address exists). Set the destination address and port for sending packets and variables, a hostname will be resolved using if valid. Wait for a packet to arrive on the listening port, see [method listen].