2D particle emitter. 2D particle node used to create a variety of particle systems and effects. [code]Particles2D[/code] features an emitter that generates some number of particles at a given rate. Use the [code]process_material[/code] property to add a [ParticlesMaterial] to configure particle appearance and behavior. Alternatively, you can add a [ShaderMaterial] which will be applied to all particles. Returns the amount of particles spawned at each emission Gets the amount of seconds that each particle will be visible. Returns the texture for emitted particles Returns whether this emitter is currently emitting or not Sets the amount of particles spawned at each emission If this is set to true then the particle emitter will emit particles, if its false it will not. Sets the amount of seconds that each particle will be visible. Number of particles emitted in one emission cycle. Particle draw order. Uses [code]DRAW_ORDER_*[/code] values. Default value: [code]DRAW_ORDER_INDEX[/code]. If [code]true[/code] particles are being emitted. Default value: [code]true[/code]. How rapidly particles in an emission cycle are emitted. If greater than [code]0[/code], there will be a gap in emissions before the next cycle begins. Default value: [code]0[/code]. Number of horizontal frames in [code]texture[/code]. Amount of time each particle will exist. Default value: [code]1[/code]. If [code]true[/code] particles use the parent node's coordinate space. If [code]false[/code] they use global coordinates. Default value: [code]true[/code]. If [code]true[/code] only one emission cycle occurs. If set [code]true[/code] during a cycle, emission will stop at the cycle's end. Default value: [code]false[/code]. Particle system starts as if it had already run for this many seconds. [Material] for processing particles. Can be a [ParticlesMaterial] or a [ShaderMaterial]. Emission lifetime randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code]. Particle system's running speed scaling ratio. Default value: [code]1[/code]. Particle texture. If [code]null[/code] particles will be squares. Number of vertical frames in [code]texture[/code]. Editor visibility helper. Particles are drawn in the order emitted. Particles are drawn in order of remaining lifetime.