Axis-Aligned Bounding Box. Rect3 provides an 3D Axis-Aligned Bounding Box. It consists of a position, a size, and several utility functions. It is typically used for simple (fast) overlap tests. Optional constructor, accepts position and size. Return true if this [Rect3] completely encloses another one. Return this [Rect3] expanded to include a given point. Get the area of the [Rect3]. Get the position of the 8 endpoints of the [Rect3] in space. Return the normalized longest axis of the [Rect3]. Return the index of the longest axis of the [Rect3] (according to [Vector3]::AXIS* enum). Return the scalar length of the longest axis of the [Rect3]. Return the normalized shortest axis of the [Rect3]. Return the index of the shortest axis of the [Rect3] (according to [Vector3]::AXIS* enum). Return the scalar length of the shortest axis of the [Rect3]. Return the support point in a given direction. This is useful for collision detection algorithms. Return a copy of the [Rect3] grown a given amount of units towards all the sides. Return true if the [Rect3] is flat or empty. Return true if the [Rect3] is empty. Return true if the [Rect3] contains a point. Return the intersection between two [Rect3]. An empty Rect3 (size 0,0,0) is returned on failure. Return true if the [Rect3] overlaps with another. Return true if the [Rect3] is at both sides of a plane. Return true if the [Rect3] intersects the line segment between from and to Combine this [Rect3] with another, a larger one is returned that contains both. Ending corner. Size from position to end.