Crops out one part of a texture, such as a texture from a texture atlas. [Texture] resource that crops out one part of the [member atlas] texture, defined by [member region]. The main use case is cropping out textures from a texture atlas, which is a big texture file that packs multiple smaller textures. Consists of a [Texture] for the [member atlas], a [member region] that defines the area of [member atlas] to use, and a [member margin] that defines the border width. [AtlasTexture] cannot be used in an [AnimatedTexture], cannot be tiled in nodes such as [TextureRect], and does not work properly if used inside of other [AtlasTexture] resources. Multiple [AtlasTexture] resources can be used to crop multiple textures from the atlas. Using a texture atlas helps to optimize video memory costs and render calls compared to using multiple small files. [b]Note:[/b] AtlasTextures don't support repetition. The [constant Texture.FLAG_REPEAT] and [constant Texture.FLAG_MIRRORED_REPEAT] flags are ignored when using an AtlasTexture. The texture that contains the atlas. Can be any [Texture] subtype. If [code]true[/code], clips the area outside of the region to avoid bleeding of the surrounding texture pixels. The margin around the region. The [Rect2]'s [member Rect2.size] parameter ("w" and "h" in the editor) resizes the texture so it fits within the margin. The AtlasTexture's used region.