/*************************************************************************/ /* viewport.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* http://www.godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2017 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef VIEWPORT_H #define VIEWPORT_H #include "scene/main/node.h" #include "servers/visual_server.h" #include "scene/resources/world_2d.h" #include "math_2d.h" #include "scene/resources/texture.h" /** @author Juan Linietsky */ class Camera; class Camera2D; class Listener; class Control; class CanvasItem; class Panel; class Label; class Timer; class Viewport; class ViewportTexture : public Texture { GDCLASS( ViewportTexture, Texture ); NodePath path; friend class Viewport; Viewport* vp; protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: void set_viewport_path_in_scene(const NodePath& p_path); NodePath get_viewport_path_in_scene() const; virtual void setup_local_to_scene(); virtual int get_width() const; virtual int get_height() const; virtual Size2 get_size() const; virtual RID get_rid() const; virtual bool has_alpha() const; virtual void set_flags(uint32_t p_flags); virtual uint32_t get_flags() const; ViewportTexture(); ~ViewportTexture(); }; class Viewport : public Node { GDCLASS( Viewport, Node ); public: enum UpdateMode { UPDATE_DISABLED, UPDATE_ONCE, //then goes to disabled UPDATE_WHEN_VISIBLE, // default UPDATE_ALWAYS }; enum ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv { SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_DISABLED, SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_1, SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_4, SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_16, SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_64, SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_256, SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_1024, SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_MAX, }; enum MSAA { MSAA_DISABLED, MSAA_2X, MSAA_4X, MSAA_8X, MSAA_16X, }; private: friend class ViewportTexture; Viewport *parent; Listener *listener; Set listeners; Camera *camera; Set cameras; RID viewport; RID current_canvas; bool audio_listener; RID internal_listener; bool audio_listener_2d; RID internal_listener_2d; Transform2D canvas_transform; Transform2D global_canvas_transform; Transform2D stretch_transform; Size2 size; Rect2 to_screen_rect; RID contact_2d_debug; RID contact_3d_debug_multimesh; RID contact_3d_debug_instance; bool size_override; bool size_override_stretch; Size2 size_override_size; Size2 size_override_margin; Rect2 last_vp_rect; bool transparent_bg; bool vflip; bool clear_on_new_frame; bool filter; bool gen_mipmaps; bool physics_object_picking; List physics_picking_events; ObjectID physics_object_capture; ObjectID physics_object_over; Vector2 physics_last_mousepos; void _test_new_mouseover(ObjectID new_collider); Map physics_2d_mouseover; void _update_rect(); void _parent_resized(); void _parent_draw(); void _parent_visibility_changed(); Ref world_2d; Ref world; Ref own_world; StringName input_group; StringName gui_input_group; StringName unhandled_input_group; StringName unhandled_key_input_group; void _update_listener(); void _update_listener_2d(); void _propagate_enter_world(Node *p_node); void _propagate_exit_world(Node *p_node); void _propagate_viewport_notification(Node *p_node, int p_what); void _update_stretch_transform(); void _update_global_transform(); bool disable_3d; UpdateMode update_mode; RID texture_rid; uint32_t texture_flags; int shadow_atlas_size; ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv[4]; MSAA msaa; bool hdr; Ref default_texture; Set viewport_textures; struct GUI { // info used when this is a window bool key_event_accepted; Control *mouse_focus; int mouse_focus_button; Control *key_focus; Control *mouse_over; Control *tooltip; Panel *tooltip_popup; Label *tooltip_label; Point2 tooltip_pos; Point2 last_mouse_pos; Point2 drag_accum; bool drag_attempted; Variant drag_data; Control *drag_preview; float tooltip_timer; float tooltip_delay; List modal_stack; unsigned int cancelled_input_ID; Transform2D focus_inv_xform; bool subwindow_order_dirty; List subwindows; bool roots_order_dirty; List roots; int canvas_sort_index; //for sorting items with canvas as root GUI(); } gui; bool disable_input; void _gui_call_input(Control *p_control,const InputEvent& p_input); void _gui_sort_subwindows(); void _gui_sort_roots(); void _gui_sort_modal_stack(); Control* _gui_find_control(const Point2& p_global); Control* _gui_find_control_at_pos(CanvasItem* p_node,const Point2& p_global,const Transform2D& p_xform,Transform2D& r_inv_xform); void _gui_input_event(InputEvent p_event); void update_worlds(); _FORCE_INLINE_ Transform2D _get_input_pre_xform() const; void _vp_enter_tree(); void _vp_exit_tree(); void _vp_input(const InputEvent& p_ev); void _vp_input_text(const String& p_text); void _vp_unhandled_input(const InputEvent& p_ev); void _make_input_local(InputEvent& ev); friend class Control; List::Element* _gui_add_root_control(Control* p_control); List::Element* _gui_add_subwindow_control(Control* p_control); void _gui_set_subwindow_order_dirty(); void _gui_set_root_order_dirty(); void _gui_remove_modal_control(List::Element *MI); void _gui_remove_from_modal_stack(List::Element *MI,ObjectID p_prev_focus_owner); void _gui_remove_root_control(List::Element *RI); void _gui_remove_subwindow_control(List::Element* SI); void _gui_cancel_tooltip(); void _gui_show_tooltip(); void _gui_remove_control(Control *p_control); void _gui_hid_control(Control *p_control); void _gui_force_drag(Control *p_base,const Variant& p_data,Control *p_control); void _gui_set_drag_preview(Control *p_base,Control *p_control); bool _gui_is_modal_on_top(const Control* p_control); List::Element* _gui_show_modal(Control* p_control); void _gui_remove_focus(); void _gui_unfocus_control(Control *p_control); bool _gui_control_has_focus(const Control* p_control); void _gui_control_grab_focus(Control* p_control); void _gui_grab_click_focus(Control *p_control); void _gui_accept_event(); Control *_gui_get_focus_owner(); Vector2 _get_window_offset() const; friend class Listener; void _listener_transform_changed_notify(); void _listener_set(Listener* p_listener); bool _listener_add(Listener* p_listener); //true if first void _listener_remove(Listener* p_listener); void _listener_make_next_current(Listener* p_exclude); friend class Camera; void _camera_transform_changed_notify(); void _camera_set(Camera* p_camera); bool _camera_add(Camera* p_camera); //true if first void _camera_remove(Camera* p_camera); void _camera_make_next_current(Camera* p_exclude); protected: void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: Listener* get_listener() const; Camera* get_camera() const; void set_as_audio_listener(bool p_enable); bool is_audio_listener() const; void set_as_audio_listener_2d(bool p_enable); bool is_audio_listener_2d() const; void set_size(const Size2& p_size); Size2 get_size() const; Rect2 get_visible_rect() const; RID get_viewport_rid() const; void set_world(const Ref& p_world); void set_world_2d(const Ref& p_world_2d); Ref get_world() const; Ref find_world() const; Ref get_world_2d() const; Ref find_world_2d() const; void set_canvas_transform(const Transform2D& p_transform); Transform2D get_canvas_transform() const; void set_global_canvas_transform(const Transform2D& p_transform); Transform2D get_global_canvas_transform() const; Transform2D get_final_transform() const; void set_transparent_background(bool p_enable); bool has_transparent_background() const; void set_size_override(bool p_enable,const Size2& p_size=Size2(-1,-1),const Vector2& p_margin=Vector2()); Size2 get_size_override() const; bool is_size_override_enabled() const; void set_size_override_stretch(bool p_enable); bool is_size_override_stretch_enabled() const; void set_vflip(bool p_enable); bool get_vflip() const; void set_clear_on_new_frame(bool p_enable); bool get_clear_on_new_frame() const; void clear(); void set_update_mode(UpdateMode p_mode); UpdateMode get_update_mode() const; Ref get_texture() const; void set_shadow_atlas_size(int p_size); int get_shadow_atlas_size() const; void set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(int p_quadrant,ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv p_subdiv); ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv get_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(int p_quadrant) const; void set_msaa(MSAA p_msaa); MSAA get_msaa() const; void set_hdr(bool p_hdr); bool get_hdr() const; Vector2 get_camera_coords(const Vector2& p_viewport_coords) const; Vector2 get_camera_rect_size() const; void queue_screen_capture(); Image get_screen_capture() const; void set_use_own_world(bool p_world); bool is_using_own_world() const; void input(const InputEvent& p_event); void unhandled_input(const InputEvent& p_event); void set_disable_input(bool p_disable); bool is_input_disabled() const; void set_disable_3d(bool p_disable); bool is_3d_disabled() const; void set_attach_to_screen_rect(const Rect2& p_rect); Rect2 get_attach_to_screen_rect() const; Vector2 get_mouse_pos() const; void warp_mouse(const Vector2& p_pos); void set_physics_object_picking(bool p_enable); bool get_physics_object_picking(); bool gui_has_modal_stack() const; Variant gui_get_drag_data() const; Control *get_modal_stack_top() const; void gui_reset_canvas_sort_index(); int gui_get_canvas_sort_index(); virtual String get_configuration_warning() const; Viewport(); ~Viewport(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST( Viewport::UpdateMode ); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST( Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv ); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST( Viewport::MSAA ); #endif