Tabs Control. Simple tabs control, similar to [TabContainer] but is only in charge of drawing tabs, not interact with children. Adds a new tab. Moves the Scroll view to make the tab visible. Returns [code]true[/code] if select with right mouse button is enabled. Returns the number of tabs. Returns [code]true[/code] if the tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code] is disabled. Returns the [Texture] for the tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code] or null if the tab has no [Texture]. Returns tab [Rect2] with local position and size. Returns the title of the tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code]. Tab titles default to the name of the indexed child node, but this can be overridden with [method set_tab_title]. Returns the [code]Tabs[/code] rearrange group id. Rearrange tab. Removes tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code] If [code]true[/code] enables selecting a tab with right mouse button. If [code]disabled[/code] is false, hides the tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code]. Note that its title text will remain, unless also removed with [method set_tab_title]. Sets an icon for the tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code]. Sets a title for the tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code]. Defines rearrange group id, choose for each [code]Tabs[/code] the same value to enable tab drag between [code]Tabs[/code]. Enable drag with [code]set_drag_to_rearrange_enabled(true)[/code]. Select tab at index [code]tab_idx[/code]. If [code]true[/code], tabs can be rearranged with mouse drag. The alignment of all tabs. See enum [code]TabAlign[/code] constants for details. Align the tabs to the left. Align the tabs to the center. Align the tabs to the right.