General purpose Sprite node. General purpose Sprite node. This Sprite node can show any texture as a sprite. The texture can be used as a spritesheet for animation, or only a region from a bigger texture can referenced, like an atlas. Return the texture frame for a sprite-sheet, works when vframes or hframes are greater than 1. Return the amount of horizontal frames. See [method set_hframes]. Return sprite draw offset. Return the region rect to read from. Return the base texture for the sprite. Return the amount of vertical frames. See [method set_vframes]. Return if the sprite is centered at the local origin. Return true if the sprite is flipped horizontally. Return true if the sprite is flipped vertically. Return if the sprite reads from a region. Set whether the sprite should be centered on the origin. Set true to flip the sprite horizontally. Set true to flip the sprite vertically. Set the texture frame for a sprite-sheet, works when vframes or hframes are greater than 1. Set the amount of horizontal frames and converts the sprite into a sprite-sheet. This is useful for animation. Set the sprite draw offset, useful for setting rotation pivots. Set the sprite as a sub-region of a bigger texture. Useful for texture-atlases. Set the region rect to read from. Set the base texture for the sprite. Set the amount of vertical frames and converts the sprite into a sprite-sheet. This is useful for animation.