using Godot; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using GodotTools.Build; using GodotTools.Core; using GodotTools.Internals; using JetBrains.Annotations; using static GodotTools.Internals.Globals; using Directory = GodotTools.Utils.Directory; using File = GodotTools.Utils.File; using OS = GodotTools.Utils.OS; using Path = System.IO.Path; namespace GodotTools.Export { public class ExportPlugin : EditorExportPlugin { [Flags] enum I18NCodesets : long { None = 0, CJK = 1, MidEast = 2, Other = 4, Rare = 8, West = 16, All = CJK | MidEast | Other | Rare | West } private void AddI18NAssemblies(Godot.Collections.Dictionary assemblies, string bclDir) { var codesets = (I18NCodesets)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/i18n_codesets"); if (codesets == I18NCodesets.None) return; void AddI18NAssembly(string name) => assemblies.Add(name, Path.Combine(bclDir, $"{name}.dll")); AddI18NAssembly("I18N"); if ((codesets & I18NCodesets.CJK) != 0) AddI18NAssembly("I18N.CJK"); if ((codesets & I18NCodesets.MidEast) != 0) AddI18NAssembly("I18N.MidEast"); if ((codesets & I18NCodesets.Other) != 0) AddI18NAssembly("I18N.Other"); if ((codesets & I18NCodesets.Rare) != 0) AddI18NAssembly("I18N.Rare"); if ((codesets & I18NCodesets.West) != 0) AddI18NAssembly("I18N.West"); } public void RegisterExportSettings() { // TODO: These would be better as export preset options, but that doesn't seem to be supported yet GlobalDef("mono/export/include_scripts_content", false); GlobalDef("mono/export/export_assemblies_inside_pck", true); GlobalDef("mono/export/i18n_codesets", I18NCodesets.All); ProjectSettings.AddPropertyInfo(new Godot.Collections.Dictionary { ["type"] = Variant.Type.Int, ["name"] = "mono/export/i18n_codesets", ["hint"] = PropertyHint.Flags, ["hint_string"] = "CJK,MidEast,Other,Rare,West" }); GlobalDef("mono/export/aot/enabled", false); GlobalDef("mono/export/aot/full_aot", false); GlobalDef("mono/export/aot/use_interpreter", true); // --aot or --aot=opt1,opt2 (use 'mono --aot=help AuxAssembly.dll' to list AOT options) GlobalDef("mono/export/aot/extra_aot_options", new string[] { }); // --optimize/-O=opt1,opt2 (use 'mono --list-opt'' to list optimize options) GlobalDef("mono/export/aot/extra_optimizer_options", new string[] { }); GlobalDef("mono/export/aot/android_toolchain_path", ""); } private string maybeLastExportError; private void AddFile(string srcPath, string dstPath, bool remap = false) { // Add file to the PCK AddFile(dstPath.Replace("\\", "/"), File.ReadAllBytes(srcPath), remap); } // With this method we can override how a file is exported in the PCK public override void _ExportFile(string path, string type, string[] features) { base._ExportFile(path, type, features); if (type != Internal.CSharpLanguageType) return; if (Path.GetExtension(path) != Internal.CSharpLanguageExtension) throw new ArgumentException($"Resource of type {Internal.CSharpLanguageType} has an invalid file extension: {path}", nameof(path)); // TODO What if the source file is not part of the game's C# project bool includeScriptsContent = (bool)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/include_scripts_content"); if (!includeScriptsContent) { // We don't want to include the source code on exported games. // Sadly, Godot prints errors when adding an empty file (nothing goes wrong, it's just noise). // Because of this, we add a file which contains a line break. AddFile(path, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\n"), remap: false); // Tell the Godot exporter that we already took care of the file Skip(); } } public override void _ExportBegin(string[] features, bool isDebug, string path, int flags) { base._ExportBegin(features, isDebug, path, flags); try { _ExportBeginImpl(features, isDebug, path, flags); } catch (Exception e) { maybeLastExportError = e.Message; // 'maybeLastExportError' cannot be null or empty if there was an error, so we // must consider the possibility of exceptions being thrown without a message. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(maybeLastExportError)) maybeLastExportError = $"Exception thrown: {e.GetType().Name}"; GD.PushError($"Failed to export project: {maybeLastExportError}"); Console.Error.WriteLine(e); // TODO: Do something on error once _ExportBegin supports failing. } } private void _ExportBeginImpl(string[] features, bool isDebug, string path, int flags) { _ = flags; // Unused if (!File.Exists(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath)) return; if (!DeterminePlatformFromFeatures(features, out string platform)) throw new NotSupportedException("Target platform not supported"); string outputDir = new FileInfo(path).Directory?.FullName ?? throw new FileNotFoundException("Base directory not found"); string buildConfig = isDebug ? "ExportDebug" : "ExportRelease"; string scriptsMetadataPath = BuildManager.GenerateExportedGameScriptMetadata(isDebug); AddFile(scriptsMetadataPath, scriptsMetadataPath); if (!BuildManager.BuildProjectBlocking(buildConfig, platform: platform)) throw new Exception("Failed to build project"); // Add dependency assemblies var assemblies = new Godot.Collections.Dictionary(); string projectDllName = GodotSharpEditor.ProjectAssemblyName; string projectDllSrcDir = Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.ResTempAssembliesBaseDir, buildConfig); string projectDllSrcPath = Path.Combine(projectDllSrcDir, $"{projectDllName}.dll"); assemblies[projectDllName] = projectDllSrcPath; if (platform == OS.Platforms.Android) { string godotAndroidExtProfileDir = GetBclProfileDir("godot_android_ext"); string monoAndroidAssemblyPath = Path.Combine(godotAndroidExtProfileDir, "Mono.Android.dll"); if (!File.Exists(monoAndroidAssemblyPath)) throw new FileNotFoundException("Assembly not found: 'Mono.Android'", monoAndroidAssemblyPath); assemblies["Mono.Android"] = monoAndroidAssemblyPath; } string bclDir = DeterminePlatformBclDir(platform); var initialAssemblies = assemblies.Duplicate(); internal_GetExportedAssemblyDependencies(initialAssemblies, buildConfig, bclDir, assemblies); AddI18NAssemblies(assemblies, bclDir); string outputDataDir = null; if (PlatformHasTemplateDir(platform)) outputDataDir = ExportDataDirectory(features, platform, isDebug, outputDir); string apiConfig = isDebug ? "Debug" : "Release"; string resAssembliesDir = Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.ResAssembliesBaseDir, apiConfig); bool assembliesInsidePck = (bool)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/export_assemblies_inside_pck") || outputDataDir == null; if (!assembliesInsidePck) { string outputDataGameAssembliesDir = Path.Combine(outputDataDir, "Assemblies"); if (!Directory.Exists(outputDataGameAssembliesDir)) Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDataGameAssembliesDir); } foreach (var assembly in assemblies) { void AddToAssembliesDir(string fileSrcPath) { if (assembliesInsidePck) { string fileDstPath = Path.Combine(resAssembliesDir, fileSrcPath.GetFile()); AddFile(fileSrcPath, fileDstPath); } else { Debug.Assert(outputDataDir != null); string fileDstPath = Path.Combine(outputDataDir, "Assemblies", fileSrcPath.GetFile()); File.Copy(fileSrcPath, fileDstPath); } } string assemblySrcPath = assembly.Value; string assemblyPathWithoutExtension = Path.ChangeExtension(assemblySrcPath, null); string pdbSrcPath = assemblyPathWithoutExtension + ".pdb"; AddToAssembliesDir(assemblySrcPath); if (File.Exists(pdbSrcPath)) AddToAssembliesDir(pdbSrcPath); } // AOT compilation bool aotEnabled = platform == OS.Platforms.iOS || (bool)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/enabled"); if (aotEnabled) { string aotToolchainPath = null; if (platform == OS.Platforms.Android) aotToolchainPath = (string)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/android_toolchain_path"); if (aotToolchainPath == string.Empty) aotToolchainPath = null; // Don't risk it being used as current working dir // TODO: LLVM settings are hard-coded and disabled for now var aotOpts = new AotOptions { EnableLLVM = false, LLVMOnly = false, LLVMPath = "", LLVMOutputPath = "", FullAot = platform == OS.Platforms.iOS || (bool)(ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/full_aot") ?? false), UseInterpreter = (bool)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/use_interpreter"), ExtraAotOptions = (string[])ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/extra_aot_options") ?? new string[] { }, ExtraOptimizerOptions = (string[])ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/extra_optimizer_options") ?? new string[] { }, ToolchainPath = aotToolchainPath }; AotBuilder.CompileAssemblies(this, aotOpts, features, platform, isDebug, bclDir, outputDir, outputDataDir, assemblies); } } public override void _ExportEnd() { base._ExportEnd(); string aotTempDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), $"godot-aot-{Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id}"); if (Directory.Exists(aotTempDir)) Directory.Delete(aotTempDir, recursive: true); // TODO: Just a workaround until the export plugins can be made to abort with errors if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(maybeLastExportError)) // Check empty as well, because it's set to empty after hot-reloading { string lastExportError = maybeLastExportError; maybeLastExportError = null; GodotSharpEditor.Instance.ShowErrorDialog(lastExportError, "Failed to export C# project"); } } [NotNull] private static string ExportDataDirectory(string[] features, string platform, bool isDebug, string outputDir) { string target = isDebug ? "release_debug" : "release"; // NOTE: Bits is ok for now as all platforms with a data directory only have one or two architectures. // However, this may change in the future if we add arm linux or windows desktop templates. string bits = features.Contains("64") ? "64" : "32"; string TemplateDirName() => $"data.mono.{platform}.{bits}.{target}"; string templateDirPath = Path.Combine(Internal.FullTemplatesDir, TemplateDirName()); bool validTemplatePathFound = true; if (!Directory.Exists(templateDirPath)) { validTemplatePathFound = false; if (isDebug) { target = "debug"; // Support both 'release_debug' and 'debug' for the template data directory name templateDirPath = Path.Combine(Internal.FullTemplatesDir, TemplateDirName()); validTemplatePathFound = true; if (!Directory.Exists(templateDirPath)) validTemplatePathFound = false; } } if (!validTemplatePathFound) throw new FileNotFoundException("Data template directory not found", templateDirPath); string outputDataDir = Path.Combine(outputDir, DetermineDataDirNameForProject()); if (Directory.Exists(outputDataDir)) Directory.Delete(outputDataDir, recursive: true); // Clean first Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDataDir); foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(templateDirPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(outputDataDir, dir.Substring(templateDirPath.Length + 1))); } foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(templateDirPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { File.Copy(file, Path.Combine(outputDataDir, file.Substring(templateDirPath.Length + 1))); } return outputDataDir; } private static bool PlatformHasTemplateDir(string platform) { // OSX export templates are contained in a zip, so we place our custom template inside it and let Godot do the rest. return !new[] {OS.Platforms.MacOS, OS.Platforms.Android, OS.Platforms.iOS, OS.Platforms.HTML5}.Contains(platform); } private static bool DeterminePlatformFromFeatures(IEnumerable features, out string platform) { foreach (var feature in features) { if (OS.PlatformNameMap.TryGetValue(feature, out platform)) return true; } platform = null; return false; } private static string GetBclProfileDir(string profile) { string templatesDir = Internal.FullTemplatesDir; return Path.Combine(templatesDir, "bcl", profile); } private static string DeterminePlatformBclDir(string platform) { string templatesDir = Internal.FullTemplatesDir; string platformBclDir = Path.Combine(templatesDir, "bcl", platform); if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(platformBclDir, "mscorlib.dll"))) { string profile = DeterminePlatformBclProfile(platform); platformBclDir = Path.Combine(templatesDir, "bcl", profile); if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(platformBclDir, "mscorlib.dll"))) { if (PlatformRequiresCustomBcl(platform)) throw new FileNotFoundException($"Missing BCL (Base Class Library) for platform: {platform}"); platformBclDir = typeof(object).Assembly.Location.GetBaseDir(); // Use the one we're running on } } return platformBclDir; } /// /// Determines whether the BCL bundled with the Godot editor can be used for the target platform, /// or if it requires a custom BCL that must be distributed with the export templates. /// private static bool PlatformRequiresCustomBcl(string platform) { if (new[] {OS.Platforms.Android, OS.Platforms.iOS, OS.Platforms.HTML5}.Contains(platform)) return true; // The 'net_4_x' BCL is not compatible between Windows and the other platforms. // We use the names 'net_4_x_win' and 'net_4_x' to differentiate between the two. bool isWinOrUwp = new[] { OS.Platforms.Windows, OS.Platforms.UWP }.Contains(platform); return OS.IsWindows ? !isWinOrUwp : isWinOrUwp; } private static string DeterminePlatformBclProfile(string platform) { switch (platform) { case OS.Platforms.Windows: case OS.Platforms.UWP: return "net_4_x_win"; case OS.Platforms.MacOS: case OS.Platforms.LinuxBSD: case OS.Platforms.Server: case OS.Platforms.Haiku: return "net_4_x"; case OS.Platforms.Android: return "monodroid"; case OS.Platforms.iOS: return "monotouch"; case OS.Platforms.HTML5: return "wasm"; default: throw new NotSupportedException($"Platform not supported: {platform}"); } } private static string DetermineDataDirNameForProject() { var appName = (string)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("application/config/name"); string appNameSafe = appName.ToSafeDirName(); return $"data_{appNameSafe}"; } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] private static extern void internal_GetExportedAssemblyDependencies(Godot.Collections.Dictionary initialAssemblies, string buildConfig, string customBclDir, Godot.Collections.Dictionary dependencyAssemblies); } }