DTLS packet peer. This class represents a DTLS peer connection. It can be used to connect to a DTLS server, and is returned by [method DTLSServer.take_connection]. Connects a [code]peer[/code] beginning the DTLS handshake using the underlying [PacketPeerUDP] which must be connected (see [method PacketPeerUDP.connect_to_host]). If [code]validate_certs[/code] is [code]true[/code], [PacketPeerDTLS] will validate that the certificate presented by the remote peer and match it with the [code]for_hostname[/code] argument. You can specify a custom [X509Certificate] to use for validation via the [code]valid_certificate[/code] argument. Disconnects this peer, terminating the DTLS session. Returns the status of the connection. See [enum Status] for values. Poll the connection to check for incoming packets. Call this frequently to update the status and keep the connection working. A status representing a [PacketPeerDTLS] that is disconnected. A status representing a [PacketPeerDTLS] that is currently performing the handshake with a remote peer. A status representing a [PacketPeerDTLS] that is connected to a remote peer. A status representing a [PacketPeerDTLS] in a generic error state. An error status that shows a mismatch in the DTLS certificate domain presented by the host and the domain requested for validation.