A [Camera3D] that includes collision. This node extends [Camera3D] to add collisions with [Area3D] and/or [PhysicsBody3D] nodes. The camera cannot move through colliding objects. Adds a collision exception so the camera does not collide with the specified node. Adds a collision exception so the camera does not collide with the specified [RID]. Removes all collision exceptions. Returns the distance the camera has been offset due to a collision. Returns [code]true[/code] if the specified bit index is on. [b]Note:[/b] Bit indices range from 0-19. Removes a collision exception with the specified node. Removes a collision exception with the specified [RID]. Sets the specified bit index to the [code]value[/code]. [b]Note:[/b] Bit indices range from 0-19. If [code]true[/code], the camera stops on contact with [Area3D]s. If [code]true[/code], the camera stops on contact with [PhysicsBody3D]s. The camera's collision mask. Only objects in at least one collision layer matching the mask will be detected. The camera's collision margin. The camera can't get closer than this distance to a colliding object. The camera's process callback. See [enum ProcessMode]. The camera updates with the [code]_physics_process[/code] callback. The camera updates with the [code]_process[/code] callback.