#!/usr/bin/env python Import('env') env.editor_sources = [] import os import os.path from compat import encode_utf8, byte_to_str, open_utf8, escape_string def make_certs_header(target, source, env): src = source[0].srcnode().abspath dst = target[0].srcnode().abspath f = open(src, "rb") g = open_utf8(dst, "w") buf = f.read() decomp_size = len(buf) import zlib buf = zlib.compress(buf) g.write("/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED DO NOT EDIT */\n") g.write("#ifndef _CERTS_RAW_H\n") g.write("#define _CERTS_RAW_H\n") g.write("static const int _certs_compressed_size = " + str(len(buf)) + ";\n") g.write("static const int _certs_uncompressed_size = " + str(decomp_size) + ";\n") g.write("static const unsigned char _certs_compressed[] = {\n") for i in range(len(buf)): g.write("\t" + byte_to_str(buf[i]) + ",\n") g.write("};\n") g.write("#endif") g.close() f.close() def make_doc_header(target, source, env): dst = target[0].srcnode().abspath g = open_utf8(dst, "w") buf = "" docbegin = "" docend = "" for s in source: src = s.srcnode().abspath if not src.endswith(".xml"): continue with open_utf8(src, "r") as f: content = f.read() buf += content buf = encode_utf8(docbegin + buf + docend) decomp_size = len(buf) import zlib buf = zlib.compress(buf) g.write("/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED DO NOT EDIT */\n") g.write("#ifndef _DOC_DATA_RAW_H\n") g.write("#define _DOC_DATA_RAW_H\n") g.write("static const int _doc_data_compressed_size = " + str(len(buf)) + ";\n") g.write("static const int _doc_data_uncompressed_size = " + str(decomp_size) + ";\n") g.write("static const unsigned char _doc_data_compressed[] = {\n") for i in range(len(buf)): g.write("\t" + byte_to_str(buf[i]) + ",\n") g.write("};\n") g.write("#endif") g.close() def make_fonts_header(target, source, env): dst = target[0].srcnode().abspath g = open_utf8(dst, "w") g.write("/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED DO NOT EDIT */\n") g.write("#ifndef _EDITOR_FONTS_H\n") g.write("#define _EDITOR_FONTS_H\n") # saving uncompressed, since freetype will reference from memory pointer xl_names = [] for i in range(len(source)): with open(source[i].srcnode().abspath, "rb")as f: buf = f.read() name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source[i].srcnode().abspath))[0] g.write("static const int _font_" + name + "_size = " + str(len(buf)) + ";\n") g.write("static const unsigned char _font_" + name + "[] = {\n") for i in range(len(buf)): g.write("\t" + byte_to_str(buf[i]) + ",\n") g.write("};\n") g.write("#endif") g.close() def make_translations_header(target, source, env): dst = target[0].srcnode().abspath g = open_utf8(dst, "w") g.write("/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED DO NOT EDIT */\n") g.write("#ifndef _EDITOR_TRANSLATIONS_H\n") g.write("#define _EDITOR_TRANSLATIONS_H\n") import zlib import os.path paths = [node.srcnode().abspath for node in source] sorted_paths = sorted(paths, key=lambda path: os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]) xl_names = [] for i in range(len(sorted_paths)): with open(sorted_paths[i], "rb") as f: buf = f.read() decomp_size = len(buf) buf = zlib.compress(buf) name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sorted_paths[i]))[0] g.write("static const unsigned char _translation_" + name + "_compressed[] = {\n") for i in range(len(buf)): g.write("\t" + byte_to_str(buf[i]) + ",\n") g.write("};\n") xl_names.append([name, len(buf), str(decomp_size)]) g.write("struct EditorTranslationList {\n") g.write("\tconst char* lang;\n") g.write("\tint comp_size;\n") g.write("\tint uncomp_size;\n") g.write("\tconst unsigned char* data;\n") g.write("};\n\n") g.write("static EditorTranslationList _editor_translations[] = {\n") for x in xl_names: g.write("\t{ \"" + x[0] + "\", " + str(x[1]) + ", " + str(x[2]) + ", _translation_" + x[0] + "_compressed},\n") g.write("\t{NULL, 0, 0, NULL}\n") g.write("};\n") g.write("#endif") g.close() def make_authors_header(target, source, env): sections = ["Project Founders", "Lead Developer", "Project Manager", "Developers"] sections_id = ["dev_founders", "dev_lead", "dev_manager", "dev_names"] src = source[0].srcnode().abspath dst = target[0].srcnode().abspath f = open_utf8(src, "r") g = open_utf8(dst, "w") g.write("/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED DO NOT EDIT */\n") g.write("#ifndef _EDITOR_AUTHORS_H\n") g.write("#define _EDITOR_AUTHORS_H\n") current_section = "" reading = False def close_section(): g.write("\t0\n") g.write("};\n") for line in f: if reading: if line.startswith(" "): g.write("\t\"" + escape_string(line.strip()) + "\",\n") continue if line.startswith("## "): if reading: close_section() reading = False for i in range(len(sections)): if line.strip().endswith(sections[i]): current_section = escape_string(sections_id[i]) reading = True g.write("static const char *" + current_section + "[] = {\n") break if reading: close_section() g.write("#endif\n") g.close() f.close() def make_donors_header(target, source, env): sections = ["Platinum sponsors", "Gold sponsors", "Mini sponsors", "Gold donors", "Silver donors", "Bronze donors"] sections_id = ["donor_s_plat", "donor_s_gold", "donor_s_mini", "donor_gold", "donor_silver", "donor_bronze"] src = source[0].srcnode().abspath dst = target[0].srcnode().abspath f = open_utf8(src, "r") g = open_utf8(dst, "w") g.write("/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED DO NOT EDIT */\n") g.write("#ifndef _EDITOR_DONORS_H\n") g.write("#define _EDITOR_DONORS_H\n") current_section = "" reading = False def close_section(): g.write("\t0\n") g.write("};\n") for line in f: if reading >= 0: if line.startswith(" "): g.write("\t\"" + escape_string(line.strip()) + "\",\n") continue if line.startswith("## "): if reading: close_section() reading = False for i in range(len(sections)): if line.strip().endswith(sections[i]): current_section = escape_string(sections_id[i]) reading = True g.write("static const char *" + current_section + "[] = {\n") break if reading: close_section() g.write("#endif\n") g.close() f.close() def make_license_header(target, source, env): src_copyright = source[0].srcnode().abspath src_license = source[1].srcnode().abspath dst = target[0].srcnode().abspath f = open_utf8(src_license, "r") fc = open_utf8(src_copyright, "r") g = open_utf8(dst, "w") g.write("/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED DO NOT EDIT */\n") g.write("#ifndef _EDITOR_LICENSE_H\n") g.write("#define _EDITOR_LICENSE_H\n") g.write("static const char *about_license =") for line in f: escaped_string = escape_string(line.strip()) g.write("\n\t\"" + escaped_string + "\\n\"") g.write(";\n") tp_current = 0 tp_file = "" tp_comment = "" tp_copyright = "" tp_license = "" tp_licensename = "" tp_licensebody = "" tp = [] tp_licensetext = [] for line in fc: if line.startswith("#"): continue if line.startswith("Files:"): tp_file = line[6:].strip() tp_current = 1 elif line.startswith("Comment:"): tp_comment = line[8:].strip() tp_current = 2 elif line.startswith("Copyright:"): tp_copyright = line[10:].strip() tp_current = 3 elif line.startswith("License:"): if tp_current != 0: tp_license = line[8:].strip() tp_current = 4 else: tp_licensename = line[8:].strip() tp_current = 5 elif line.startswith(" "): if tp_current == 1: tp_file += "\n" + line.strip() elif tp_current == 3: tp_copyright += "\n" + line.strip() elif tp_current == 5: if line.strip() == ".": tp_licensebody += "\n" else: tp_licensebody += line[1:] else: if tp_current != 0: if tp_current == 5: tp_licensetext.append([tp_licensename, tp_licensebody]) tp_licensename = "" tp_licensebody = "" else: added = False for i in tp: if i[0] == tp_comment: i[1].append([tp_file, tp_copyright, tp_license]) added = True break if not added: tp.append([tp_comment,[[tp_file, tp_copyright, tp_license]]]) tp_file = [] tp_comment = "" tp_copyright = [] tp_license = "" tp_current = 0 tp_licensetext.append([tp_licensename, tp_licensebody]) about_thirdparty = "" about_tp_copyright_count = "" about_tp_license = "" about_tp_copyright = "" about_tp_file = "" for i in tp: about_thirdparty += "\t\"" + i[0] + "\",\n" about_tp_copyright_count += str(len(i[1])) + ", " for j in i[1]: file_body = "" copyright_body = "" for k in j[0].split("\n"): if file_body != "": file_body += "\\n\"\n" escaped_string = escape_string(k.strip()) file_body += "\t\"" + escaped_string for k in j[1].split("\n"): if copyright_body != "": copyright_body += "\\n\"\n" escaped_string = escape_string(k.strip()) copyright_body += "\t\"" + escaped_string about_tp_file += "\t" + file_body + "\",\n" about_tp_copyright += "\t" + copyright_body + "\",\n" about_tp_license += "\t\"" + j[2] + "\",\n" about_license_name = "" about_license_body = "" for i in tp_licensetext: body = "" for j in i[1].split("\n"): if body != "": body += "\\n\"\n" escaped_string = escape_string(j.strip()) body += "\t\"" + escaped_string about_license_name += "\t\"" + i[0] + "\",\n" about_license_body += "\t" + body + "\",\n" g.write("static const char *about_thirdparty[] = {\n") g.write(about_thirdparty) g.write("\t0\n") g.write("};\n") g.write("#define THIRDPARTY_COUNT " + str(len(tp)) + "\n") g.write("static const int about_tp_copyright_count[] = {\n\t") g.write(about_tp_copyright_count) g.write("0\n};\n") g.write("static const char *about_tp_file[] = {\n") g.write(about_tp_file) g.write("\t0\n") g.write("};\n") g.write("static const char *about_tp_copyright[] = {\n") g.write(about_tp_copyright) g.write("\t0\n") g.write("};\n") g.write("static const char *about_tp_license[] = {\n") g.write(about_tp_license) g.write("\t0\n") g.write("};\n") g.write("static const char *about_license_name[] = {\n") g.write(about_license_name) g.write("\t0\n") g.write("};\n") g.write("#define LICENSE_COUNT " + str(len(tp_licensetext)) + "\n") g.write("static const char *about_license_body[] = {\n") g.write(about_license_body) g.write("\t0\n") g.write("};\n") g.write("#endif\n") g.close() fc.close() f.close() def _make_doc_data_class_path(to_path): g = open_utf8(os.path.join(to_path,"doc_data_class_path.gen.h"), "w") g.write("static const int _doc_data_class_path_count = " + str(len(env.doc_class_path)) + ";\n") g.write("struct _DocDataClassPath { const char* name; const char* path; };\n") g.write("static const _DocDataClassPath _doc_data_class_paths[" + str(len(env.doc_class_path) + 1) + "] = {\n"); for c in sorted(env.doc_class_path): g.write("\t{\"" + c + "\", \"" + env.doc_class_path[c] + "\"},\n") g.write("\t{NULL, NULL}\n") g.write("};\n") g.close() if env['tools']: # Register exporters reg_exporters_inc = '#include "register_exporters.h"\n' reg_exporters = 'void register_exporters() {\n' for e in env.platform_exporters: env.editor_sources.append("#platform/" + e + "/export/export.cpp") reg_exporters += '\tregister_' + e + '_exporter();\n' reg_exporters_inc += '#include "platform/' + e + '/export/export.h"\n' reg_exporters += '}\n' with open_utf8("register_exporters.gen.cpp", "w") as f: f.write(reg_exporters_inc) f.write(reg_exporters) # API documentation docs = [] doc_dirs = ["doc/classes"] for p in env.doc_class_path.values(): if p not in doc_dirs: doc_dirs.append(p) for d in doc_dirs: try: for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(env.Dir('#').abspath, d)): docs.append("#" + os.path.join(d, f)) except OSError: pass _make_doc_data_class_path(os.path.join(env.Dir('#').abspath, "editor/doc")) docs = sorted(docs) env.Depends("#editor/doc_data_compressed.gen.h", docs) env.Command("#editor/doc_data_compressed.gen.h", docs, make_doc_header) # Certificates env.Depends("#editor/certs_compressed.gen.h", "#thirdparty/certs/ca-certificates.crt") env.Command("#editor/certs_compressed.gen.h", "#thirdparty/certs/ca-certificates.crt", make_certs_header) import glob path = env.Dir('.').abspath # Translations tlist = glob.glob(path + "/translations/*.po") env.Depends('#editor/translations.gen.h', tlist) env.Command('#editor/translations.gen.h', tlist, make_translations_header) # Fonts flist = glob.glob(path + "/../thirdparty/fonts/*.ttf") flist.append(glob.glob(path + "/../thirdparty/fonts/*.otf")) env.Depends('#editor/builtin_fonts.gen.h', flist) env.Command('#editor/builtin_fonts.gen.h', flist, make_fonts_header) # Authors env.Depends('#editor/authors.gen.h', "../AUTHORS.md") env.Command('#editor/authors.gen.h', "../AUTHORS.md", make_authors_header) # Donors env.Depends('#editor/donors.gen.h', "../DONORS.md") env.Command('#editor/donors.gen.h', "../DONORS.md", make_donors_header) # License env.Depends('#editor/license.gen.h', ["../COPYRIGHT.txt", "../LICENSE.txt"]) env.Command('#editor/license.gen.h', ["../COPYRIGHT.txt", "../LICENSE.txt"], make_license_header) env.add_source_files(env.editor_sources, "*.cpp") env.add_source_files(env.editor_sources, ["#thirdparty/misc/clipper.cpp"]) SConscript('collada/SCsub') SConscript('doc/SCsub') SConscript('fileserver/SCsub') SConscript('icons/SCsub') SConscript('import/SCsub') SConscript('plugins/SCsub') lib = env.add_library("editor", env.editor_sources) env.Prepend(LIBS=[lib]) Export('env')