Custom control to edit properties for adding into the inspector. This control allows property editing for one or multiple properties into [EditorInspector]. It is added via [EditorInspectorPlugin]. If any of the controls added can gain keyboard focus, add it here. This ensures that focus will be restored if the inspector is refreshed. If one or several properties have changed, this must be called. [code]field[/code] is used in case your editor can modify fields separately (as an example, Vector3.x). The [code]changing[/code] argument avoids the editor requesting this property to be refreshed (leave as [code]false[/code] if unsure). Gets the edited object. Gets the edited property. If your editor is for a single property (added via [method EditorInspectorPlugin.parse_property]), then this will return the property. Override if you want to allow a custom tooltip over your property. Adds controls with this function if you want them on the bottom (below the label). When this virtual function is called, you must update your editor. Used by the inspector, set when property is checkable. Used by the inspector, when the property is checked. Used by the inspector, when the property must draw with error color. Used by the inspector, when the property can add keys for animation. Sets this property to change the label (if you want to show one). Used by the inspector, when the property is read-only. Emit it if you want multiple properties modified at the same time. Do not use if added via [method EditorInspectorPlugin.parse_property]. Used by sub-inspectors. Emit it if what was selected was an Object ID. Do not emit this manually, use the [method emit_changed] method instead. Emitted when a property was checked. Used internally. Emit it if you want to add this value as an animation key (check for keying being enabled first). Emit it if you want to key a property with a single value. If you want a sub-resource to be edited, emit this signal with the resource. Emitted when selected. Used internally.