A tracked object. An instance of this object represents a device that is tracked, such as a controller or anchor point. HMDs aren't represented here as they are handled internally. As controllers are turned on and the AR/VR interface detects them, instances of this object are automatically added to this list of active tracking objects accessible through the [ARVRServer]. The [ARVRController] and [ARVRAnchor] both consume objects of this type and should be used in your project. The positional trackers are just under-the-hood objects that make this all work. These are mostly exposed so that GDNative-based interfaces can interact with them. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/vr/index.html Returns the hand holding this tracker, if known. See [enum TrackerHand] constants. If this is a controller that is being tracked, the controller will also be represented by a joystick entry with this ID. Returns the mesh related to a controller or anchor point if one is available. Returns the controller or anchor point's name if available. Returns the controller's orientation matrix. Returns the world-space controller position. Returns [code]true[/code] if this device tracks orientation. Returns [code]true[/code] if this device tracks position. Returns the transform combining this device's orientation and position. Returns the tracker's type. The degree to which the tracker rumbles. Ranges from [code]0.0[/code] to [code]1.0[/code] with precision [code].01[/code]. The hand this tracker is held in is unknown or not applicable. This tracker is the left hand controller. This tracker is the right hand controller.