Camera node for 2D scenes. Camera node for 2D scenes. It forces the screen (current layer) to scroll following this node. This makes it easier (and faster) to program scrollable scenes than manually changing the position of [CanvasItem] based nodes. This node is intended to be a simple helper to get things going quickly and it may happen often that more functionality is desired to change how the camera works. To make your own custom camera node, simply inherit from [Node2D] and change the transform of the canvas by calling get_viewport().set_canvas_transform(m) in [Viewport]. Align the camera to the tracked node Force the camera to update scroll immediately. Return the camera position. Return the margins needed to drag the camera (see [method set_drag_margin]). Return the scrolling limit in pixels. Return the scroll offset. Return true of this is the current camera (see [method make_current]). Make this the current 2D camera for the scene (viewport and layer), in case there's many cameras in the scene. Set the camera's position immediately to its current smoothing destination. This has no effect if smoothing is disabled. Set the margins needed to drag the camera (relative to the screen size). Margin uses the MARGIN_* enum. Drag margins of 0,0,0,0 will keep the camera at the center of the screen, while drag margins of 1,1,1,1 will only move when the camera is at the edges. Set the scrolling limit in pixels. Smooth camera when reaching camera limits. This requires camera smoothing being enabled to have a noticeable effect. Set the scroll offset. Useful for looking around or camera shake animations. The Camera2D's anchor point. See [code]ANCHOR_MODE_*[/code] constants. If [code]true[/code] the camera is the active camera for the current scene. Only one camera can be current, so setting a different camera [code]current[/code] will disable this one. Bottom margin needed to drag the camera. A value of [code]1[/code] makes the camera move only when reaching the edge of the screen. If [code]true[/code] the camera only moves when reaching the horizontal drag margins. If [code]false[/code] the camera moves horizontally regardless of margins. Default value: [code]true[/code]. Left margin needed to drag the camera. A value of [code]1[/code] makes the camera move only when reaching the edge of the screen. Right margin needed to drag the camera. A value of [code]1[/code] makes the camera move only when reaching the edge of the screen. Top margin needed to drag the camera. A value of [code]1[/code] makes the camera move only when reaching the edge of the screen. If [code]true[/code] the camera only moves when reaching the vertical drag margins. If [code]false[/code] the camera moves vertically regardless of margins. Default value: [code]true[/code]. Bottom scroll limit in pixels. The camera stops moving when reaching this value. Left scroll limit in pixels. The camera stops moving when reaching this value. Right scroll limit in pixels. The camera stops moving when reaching this value. Top scroll limit in pixels. The camera stops moving when reaching this value. The camera's offset, useful for looking around or camera shake animations. If [code]true[/code] the camera can rotate during gameplay. Default value: [code]false[/code]. If [code]true[/code] the camera's velocity changes gradually, preventing sudden starts and stops. Default value: [code]false[/code]. How fast the camera's velocity changes if smoothing is enabled. The camera's zoom relative to the viewport. Values larger than [code]Vector2(1, 1)[/code] zoom out and smaller values zoom in. For an example, use [code]Vector2(0.5, 0.5)[/code] for a 2x zoom in, and [code]Vector2(4, 4)[/code] for a 4x zoom out.