Adds a chorus audio effect. Adds a chorus audio effect. The effect applies a filter with voices to duplicate the audio source and manipulate it through the filter. Returns the set dry ratio. Returns the set voice count. Returns the voice's set cutoff frequency. Returns the voice's set delay. Returns the voice's set filter depth. Returns the voice's set maximum volume. Returns the voice's set pan. Returns the voice filter's set rate in cycles. Returns the set applied wetness of the effect. Returns the set applied dryness of the effect. Set the number of voices in the effect's filter. Set the cutoff frequency of the voice. The maximum frequency the voice may affect. Set the delay of the voice's signal. Set the filter depth of the voice's signal. Set the volume level of the voice. Set the pan level of the voice. Set the voice filter's rate. Set the amount of effect. The effect's raw signal. The voice's cutoff frequency. The voice's signal delay. The voice filter's depth. The voice's volume. The voice's pan level. The voice's filter rate. The voice's cutoff frequency. The voice's signal delay. The voice filter's depth. The voice's volume. The voice's pan level. The voice's filter rate. The voice's cutoff frequency. The voice's signal delay. The voice filter's depth. The voice's volume. The voice's pan level. The voice's filter rate. The voice's cutoff frequency. The voice's signal delay. The voice filter's depth. The voice's volume. The voice's pan level. The voice's filter rate. The amount of voices in the effect. The effect's processed signal.