#include "typedefs.h" #if (__GNUC__ * 10000 + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 100 + __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__) > 40100 void baked_light_baker_add_64f(double *dst,double value) { union { int64_t i; double f; } swapy; while(true) { swapy.f=*dst; int64_t from = swapy.i; swapy.f+=value; int64_t to=swapy.i; if (__sync_bool_compare_and_swap((int64_t*)dst,from,to)) break; } } void baked_light_baker_add_64i(int64_t *dst,int64_t value) { while(!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(dst,*dst,(*dst)+value)) {} } #elif defined(WINDOWS_ENABLED) #include "windows.h" void baked_light_baker_add_64f(double *dst,double value) { union { int64_t i; double f; } swapy; while(true) { swapy.f=*dst; int64_t from = swapy.i; swapy.f+=value; int64_t to=swapy.i; int64_t result = InterlockedCompareExchange64((int64_t*)dst,to,from); if (result==from) break; } } void baked_light_baker_add_64i(int64_t *dst,int64_t value) { while(true) { int64_t from = *dst; int64_t to = from+value; int64_t result = InterlockedCompareExchange64(dst,to,from); if (result==from) break; } } #else //in goder (the god of programmers) we trust #warning seems this platform or compiler does not support safe cmpxchg, your baked lighting may be funny void baked_light_baker_add_64f(double *dst,double value) { *dst+=value; } void baked_light_baker_add_64i(int64_t *dst,int64_t value) { *dst+=value; } #endif