Physics body that simulates the behavior of a car. This node implements all the physics logic needed to simulate a car. It is based on the raycast vehicle system commonly found in physics engines. You will need to add a [CollisionShape] for the main body of your vehicle and add [VehicleWheel] nodes for the wheels. You should also add a [MeshInstance] to this node for the 3D model of your car but this model should not include meshes for the wheels. You should control the vehicle by using the [member brake], [member engine_force], and [member steering] properties and not change the position or orientation of this node directly. [b]Note:[/b] The origin point of your VehicleBody will determine the center of gravity of your vehicle so it is better to keep this low and move the [CollisionShape] and [MeshInstance] upwards. Slows down the vehicle by applying a braking force. The vehicle is only slowed down if the wheels are in contact with a surface. The force you need to apply to adequately slow down your vehicle depends on the [member RigidBody.mass] of the vehicle. For a vehicle with a mass set to 1000, try a value in the 25 - 30 range for hard braking. Accelerates the vehicle by applying an engine force. The vehicle is only speed up if the wheels that have [member VehicleWheel.use_as_traction] set to [code]true[/code] and are in contact with a surface. The [member RigidBody.mass] of the vehicle has an effect on the acceleration of the vehicle. For a vehicle with a mass set to 1000, try a value in the 25 - 50 range for acceleration. [b]Note:[/b] The simulation does not take the effect of gears into account, you will need to add logic for this if you wish to simulate gears. A negative value will result in the vehicle reversing. The steering angle for the vehicle. Setting this to a non-zero value will result in the vehicle turning when it's moving. Wheels that have [member VehicleWheel.use_as_steering] set to [code]true[/code] will automatically be rotated.