2D navigation and pathfinding node. Navigation2D provides navigation and pathfinding within a 2D area, specified as a collection of [NavigationPolygon] resources. By default, these are automatically collected from child [NavigationPolygonInstance] nodes, but they can also be added on the fly with [method navpoly_add]. https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/117 Returns the navigation point closest to the point given. Points are in local coordinate space. Returns the owner of the [NavigationPolygon] which contains the navigation point closest to the point given. This is usually a [NavigationPolygonInstance]. For polygons added via [method navpoly_add], returns the owner that was given (or [code]null[/code] if the [code]owner[/code] parameter was omitted). Returns the path between two given points. Points are in local coordinate space. If [code]optimize[/code] is [code]true[/code] (the default), the path is smoothed by merging path segments where possible. Adds a [NavigationPolygon]. Returns an ID for use with [method navpoly_remove] or [method navpoly_set_transform]. If given, a [Transform2D] is applied to the polygon. The optional [code]owner[/code] is used as return value for [method get_closest_point_owner]. Removes the [NavigationPolygon] with the given ID. Sets the transform applied to the [NavigationPolygon] with the given ID.