A Node with the ability to send HTTP requests. A Node with the ability to send HTTP requests. Uses a [HTTPClient] internally, supports HTTPS. Can be used to make HTTP requests or download files via HTTP. Cancel the current request. Return the response body length. Return current body size limit. Return the file this request will download into. Return the amount of bytes this HTTPRequest downloaded. Return the current status of the underlying [HTTPClient]. Return the maximum amount of redirects that will be followed. Whether this request is using threads. Set the response body size limit. Set the file to download into. Outputs the response body into the file. Set the maximum amount of redirects the request will follow. Make this HTTPRequest use threads. This signal is emitted upon request completion. Request successful. Request failed while connecting. Request failed while resolving. Request failed due to connection(read/write) error. Request failed on SSL handshake. Request does not have a response(yet). Request exceeded its maximum size limit, see [method set_body_size_limit]. Request failed. (unused) HTTPRequest couldn't open the download file. HTTPRequest couldn't write to the download file. Request reached its maximum redirect limit, see [method set_max_redirects].