A mesh to approximate the walkable areas and obstacles. A navigation mesh is a collection of polygons that define which areas of an environment are traversable to aid agents in pathfinding through complicated spaces. https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/124 Adds a polygon using the indices of the vertices you get when calling [method get_vertices]. Clears the array of polygons, but it doesn't clear the array of vertices. Initializes the navigation mesh by setting the vertices and indices according to a [Mesh]. Returns whether the specified [code]bit[/code] of the [member geometry/collision_mask] is set. Returns a [PackedInt32Array] containing the indices of the vertices of a created polygon. Returns the number of polygons in the navigation mesh. Returns a [PackedVector3Array] containing all the vertices being used to create the polygons. If [code]value[/code] is [code]true[/code], sets the specified [code]bit[/code] in the [member geometry/collision_mask]. If [code]value[/code] is [code]false[/code], clears the specified [code]bit[/code] in the [member geometry/collision_mask]. Sets the vertices that can be then indexed to create polygons with the [method add_polygon] method. The minimum floor to ceiling height that will still allow the floor area to be considered walkable. [b]Note:[/b] While baking, this value will be rounded up to the nearest multiple of [member cell/height]. The minimum ledge height that is considered to still be traversable. [b]Note:[/b] While baking, this value will be rounded down to the nearest multiple of [member cell/height]. The maximum slope that is considered walkable, in degrees. The distance to erode/shrink the walkable area of the heightfield away from obstructions. [b]Note:[/b] While baking, this value will be rounded up to the nearest multiple of [member cell/size]. The Y axis cell size to use for fields. The XZ plane cell size to use for fields. The sampling distance to use when generating the detail mesh, in cell unit. The maximum distance the detail mesh surface should deviate from heightfield, in cell unit. The maximum distance a simplfied contour's border edges should deviate the original raw contour. The maximum allowed length for contour edges along the border of the mesh. [b]Note:[/b] While baking, this value will be rounded up to the nearest multiple of [member cell/size]. If [code]true[/code], marks walkable spans as not walkable if the clearance above the span is less than [member agent/height]. If [code]true[/code], marks spans that are ledges as non-walkable. If [code]true[/code], marks non-walkable spans as walkable if their maximum is within [member agent/max_climb] of a walkable neighbor. The physics layers to scan for static colliders. Only used when [member geometry/parsed_geometry_type] is [constant PARSED_GEOMETRY_STATIC_COLLIDERS] or [constant PARSED_GEOMETRY_BOTH]. Determines which type of nodes will be parsed as geometry. See [enum ParsedGeometryType] for possible values. The source of the geometry used when baking. See [enum SourceGeometryMode] for possible values. The name of the group to scan for geometry. Only used when [member geometry/source_geometry_mode] is [constant SOURCE_GEOMETRY_GROUPS_WITH_CHILDREN] or [constant SOURCE_GEOMETRY_GROUPS_EXPLICIT]. The maximum number of vertices allowed for polygons generated during the contour to polygon conversion process. Any regions with a size smaller than this will be merged with larger regions if possible. [b]Note:[/b] This value will be squared to calculate the number of cells. For example, a value of 20 will set the number of cells to 400. The minimum size of a region for it to be created. [b]Note:[/b] This value will be squared to calculate the minimum number of cells allowed to form isolated island areas. For example, a value of 8 will set the number of cells to 64. Partitioning algorithm for creating the navigation mesh polys. See [enum SamplePartitionType] for possible values. Watershed partitioning. Generally the best choice if you precompute the navigation mesh, use this if you have large open areas. Monotone partitioning. Use this if you want fast navigation mesh generation. Layer partitioning. Good choice to use for tiled navigation mesh with medium and small sized tiles. Represents the size of the [enum SamplePartitionType] enum. Parses mesh instances as geometry. This includes [MeshInstance3D], [CSGShape3D], and [GridMap] nodes. Parses [StaticBody3D] colliders as geometry. The collider should be in any of the layers specified by [member geometry/collision_mask]. Both [constant PARSED_GEOMETRY_MESH_INSTANCES] and [constant PARSED_GEOMETRY_STATIC_COLLIDERS]. Represents the size of the [enum ParsedGeometryType] enum. Scans the child nodes of [NavigationRegion3D] recursively for geometry. Scans nodes in a group and their child nodes recursively for geometry. The group is specified by [member geometry/source_group_name]. Uses nodes in a group for geometry. The group is specified by [member geometry/source_group_name]. Represents the size of the [enum SourceGeometryMode] enum.