extends Area2D # member variables here, example: # var a=2 # var b="textvar" const SPEED=-220 const SHOOT_INTERVAL=1 var shoot_timeout=0 func _process(delta): translate( Vector2(SPEED*delta,0) ) shoot_timeout-=delta if (shoot_timeout<0): shoot_timeout=SHOOT_INTERVAL #instance a shot var shot = preload("res://enemy_shot.scn").instance() #set pos as "shoot_from" Position2D node shot.set_pos( get_node("shoot_from").get_global_pos() ) #add it to parent, so it has world coordinates get_parent().add_child(shot) var destroyed=false func is_enemy(): return not destroyed func destroy(): if (destroyed): return destroyed=true get_node("anim").play("explode") set_process(false) get_node("sfx").play("sound_explode") #accum points get_node("/root/game_state").points+=10 func _ready(): set_fixed_process(true) # Initialization here pass func _on_visibility_enter_screen(): set_process(true) pass # replace with function body func _on_visibility_exit_screen(): queue_free() pass # replace with function body