Built-in string class. This is the built-in string class (and the one used by GDScript). It supports Unicode and provides all necessary means for string handling. Strings are reference counted and use a copy-on-write approach, so passing them around is cheap in resources. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/scripting/gdscript/gdscript_format_string.html Constructs a new String from the given [bool]. Constructs a new String from the given [int]. Constructs a new String from the given [float]. Constructs a new String from the given [Vector2]. Constructs a new String from the given [Rect2]. Constructs a new String from the given [Vector3]. Constructs a new String from the given [Transform2D]. Constructs a new String from the given [Plane]. Constructs a new String from the given [Quat]. Constructs a new String from the given [AABB]. Constructs a new String from the given [Basis]. Constructs a new String from the given [Transform]. Constructs a new String from the given [Color]. Constructs a new String from the given [NodePath]. Constructs a new String from the given [RID]. Constructs a new String from the given [Dictionary]. Constructs a new String from the given [Array]. Constructs a new String from the given [PoolByteArray]. Constructs a new String from the given [PoolIntArray]. Constructs a new String from the given [PoolRealArray]. Constructs a new String from the given [PoolStringArray]. Constructs a new String from the given [PoolVector2Array]. Constructs a new String from the given [PoolVector3Array]. Constructs a new String from the given [PoolColorArray]. Returns [code]true[/code] if the string begins with the given string. Returns the bigrams (pairs of consecutive letters) of this string. Returns a copy of the string with special characters escaped using the C language standard. Returns a copy of the string with escaped characters replaced by their meanings according to the C language standard. Changes the case of some letters. Replaces underscores with spaces, converts all letters to lowercase, then capitalizes first and every letter following the space character. For [code]capitalize camelCase mixed_with_underscores[/code] it will return [code]Capitalize Camelcase Mixed With Underscores[/code]. Performs a case-sensitive comparison to another string. Returns [code]-1[/code] if less than, [code]+1[/code] if greater than, or [code]0[/code] if equal. Removes indentation from string. Returns [code]true[/code] if the string is empty. Returns [code]true[/code] if the string ends with the given string. Erases [code]chars[/code] characters from the string starting from [code]position[/code]. Finds the first occurrence of a substring. Returns the starting position of the substring or -1 if not found. Optionally, the initial search index can be passed. Finds the last occurrence of a substring. Returns the starting position of the substring or -1 if not found. Finds the first occurrence of a substring, ignoring case. Returns the starting position of the substring or -1 if not found. Optionally, the initial search index can be passed. Formats the string by replacing all occurrences of [code]placeholder[/code] with [code]values[/code]. If the string is a valid file path, returns the base directory name. If the string is a valid file path, returns the full file path without the extension. If the string is a valid file path, returns the extension. If the string is a valid file path, returns the filename. Hashes the string and returns a 32-bit integer. Converts a string containing a hexadecimal number into an integer. Inserts a substring at a given position. If the string is a path to a file or directory, returns [code]true[/code] if the path is absolute. If the string is a path to a file or directory, returns [code]true[/code] if the path is relative. Returns [code]true[/code] if this string is a subsequence of the given string. Returns [code]true[/code] if this string is a subsequence of the given string, without considering case. Returns [code]true[/code] if this string is free from characters that aren't allowed in file names, those being: [code]: / \ ? * " | % < >[/code] Returns [code]true[/code] if this string contains a valid float. Returns [code]true[/code] if this string contains a valid hexadecimal number. If [code]with_prefix[/code] is [code]true[/code], then a validity of the hexadecimal number is determined by [code]0x[/code] prefix, for instance: [code]0xDEADC0DE[/code]. Returns [code]true[/code] if this string contains a valid color in HTML notation. Returns [code]true[/code] if this string is a valid identifier. A valid identifier may contain only letters, digits and underscores ([code]_[/code]) and the first character may not be a digit. Returns [code]true[/code] if this string contains a valid integer. Returns [code]true[/code] if this string contains a valid IP address. Returns a copy of the string with special characters escaped using the JSON standard. Returns a number of characters from the left of the string. Returns the string's amount of characters. Returns a copy of the string with characters removed from the left. Does a simple expression match, where [code]*[/code] matches zero or more arbitrary characters and [code]?[/code] matches any single character except '.'. Does a simple case insensitive expression match, using [code]?[/code] and [code]*[/code] wildcards (see [method match]). Returns the MD5 hash of the string as an array of bytes. Returns the MD5 hash of the string as a string. Performs a case-insensitive comparison to another string. Returns [code]-1[/code] if less than, [code]+1[/code] if greater than, or [code]0[/code] if equal. Returns the character code at position [code]at[/code]. Formats a number to have an exact number of [code]digits[/code] after the decimal point. Formats a number to have an exact number of [code]digits[/code] before the decimal point. Decode a percent-encoded string. See [method percent_encode]. Percent-encodes a string. Encodes parameters in a URL when sending a HTTP GET request (and bodies of form-urlencoded POST requests). If the string is a path, this concatenates [code]file[/code] at the end of the string as a subpath. E.g. [code]"this/is".plus_file("path") == "this/is/path"[/code]. Replaces occurrences of a substring with the given one inside the string. Replaces occurrences of a substring with the given one inside the string. Ignores case. Performs a search for a substring, but starts from the end of the string instead of the beginning. Performs a search for a substring, but starts from the end of the string instead of the beginning. Ignores case. Returns the right side of the string from a given position. Splits the string by a [code]divisor[/code] string and returns an array of the substrings, starting from right. [b]Example:[/b] [code]"One,Two,Three"[/code] will return [code]["One","Two","Three"][/code] if split by [code]","[/code]. If [code]maxsplit[/code] is specified, then it is number of splits to do, default is 0 which splits all the items. Returns a copy of the string with characters removed from the right. Returns the SHA-256 hash of the string as an array of bytes. Returns the SHA-256 hash of the string as a string. Returns the similarity index of the text compared to this string. 1 means totally similar and 0 means totally dissimilar. Splits the string by a divisor string and returns an array of the substrings. [b]Example:[/b] [code]"One,Two,Three"[/code] will return [code]["One","Two","Three"][/code] if split by [code]","[/code]. If [code]maxsplit[/code] is given, at most maxsplit number of splits occur, and the remainder of the string is returned as the final element of the list (thus, the list will have at most maxsplit+1 elements) Splits the string in floats by using a divisor string and returns an array of the substrings. [b]Example:[/b] [code]"1,2.5,3"[/code] will return [code][1,2.5,3][/code] if split by [code]","[/code]. Returns a copy of the string stripped of any non-printable character (including tabulations, spaces and line breaks) at the beginning and the end. The optional arguments are used to toggle stripping on the left and right edges respectively. Returns a copy of the string stripped of any escape character. These include all non-printable control characters of the first page of the ASCII table (< 32), such as tabulation ([code]\t[/code] in C) and newline ([code]\n[/code] and [code]\r[/code]) characters, but not spaces. Returns part of the string from the position [code]from[/code] with length [code]len[/code]. Converts the String (which is a character array) to [PoolByteArray] (which is an array of bytes). The conversion is sped up in comparison to [method to_utf8] with the assumption that all the characters the String contains are only ASCII characters. Converts a string containing a decimal number into a [code]float[/code]. Converts a string containing an integer number into an [code]int[/code]. Returns the string converted to lowercase. Returns the string converted to uppercase. Converts the String (which is an array of characters) to [PoolByteArray] (which is an array of bytes). The conversion is a bit slower than [method to_ascii], but supports all UTF-8 characters. Therefore, you should prefer this function over [method to_ascii]. Removes a given string from the start if it starts with it or leaves the string unchanged. Removes a given string from the end if it ends with it or leaves the string unchanged. Returns a copy of the string with special characters escaped using the XML standard. Returns a copy of the string with escaped characters replaced by their meanings according to the XML standard.