A tracked object An instance of this object represents a device that is tracked such as a controller or anchor point. HMDs aren't represented here as they are fully handled internally. As controllers are turned on and the AR/VR interface detects them instances of this object are automatically added to this list of active tracking objects accessible through the ARVRServer The ARVRController and ARVRAnchor both consume objects of this type and should be the objects you use in game. The positional trackers are just the under the hood objects that make this all work and are mostly exposed so GDNative based interfaces can interact with them. Returns the hand holding this tracker, if known. See TRACKER_* constants. If this is a controller that is being tracked the controller will also be represented by a joystick entry with this id. If available this returns the name of the controller or anchor point. Returns the orientation matrix of the controller. Returns the position of the controller adjusted by world scale. Returns true if the orientation of this device is being tracked. Returns true if the position of this device is being tracked. Returns the transform combining the orientation and position of this device. Type of tracker. The hand this tracker is held in is unknown or not applicable. This tracker is the left hand controller. This tracker is the right hand controller.