Mesh-based navigation and pathfinding node. Provides navigation and pathfinding within a collection of [NavigationMesh]es. These will be automatically collected from child [NavigationRegion3D] nodes. In addition to basic pathfinding, this class also assists with aligning navigation agents with the meshes they are navigating on. Returns the point closest to the provided [code]to_point[/code] on the navigation mesh surface. Returns the normal for the point returned by [method get_closest_point]. Returns the owner region RID for the point returned by [method get_closest_point]. Returns the closest point between the navigation surface and the segment. Returns the path between two given points. Points are in local coordinate space. If [code]optimize[/code] is [code]true[/code] (the default), the agent properties associated with each [NavigationMesh] (radius, height, etc.) are considered in the path calculation, otherwise they are ignored. Defines which direction is up. By default, this is [code](0, 1, 0)[/code], which is the world's "up" direction.