Boolean matrix. A two-dimensional array of boolean values, can be used to efficiently store a binary matrix (every matrix element takes only one bit) and query the values using natural cartesian coordinates. Creates a bitmap with the specified size, filled with [code]false[/code]. Creates a bitmap that matches the given image dimensions, every element of the bitmap is set to [code]false[/code] if the alpha value of the image at that position is equal to [code]threshold[/code] or less, and [code]true[/code] in other case. Returns bitmap's value at the specified position. Returns bitmap's dimensions. Returns the amount of bitmap elements that are set to [code]true[/code]. Applies morphological dilation to the bitmap. The first argument is the dilation amount, Rect2 is the area where the dilation will be applied. Creates an [Array] of polygons covering a rectangular portion of the bitmap. It uses a marching squares algorithm, followed by Ramer-Douglas-Peucker (RDP) reduction of the number of vertices. Each polygon is described as a [PackedVector2Array] of its vertices. To get polygons covering the whole bitmap, pass: [codeblock] Rect2(Vector2(), get_size()) [/codeblock] [code]epsilon[/code] is passed to RDP to control how accurately the polygons cover the bitmap: a lower [code]epsilon[/code] corresponds to more points in the polygons. Sets the bitmap's element at the specified position, to the specified value. Sets a rectangular portion of the bitmap to the specified value.