import {resolve} from 'path'; // eslint-disable-next-line node/no-missing-import import {DocsGen, Options} from '../packages/generate-docs'; const ROOT = resolve('.'); const logger = console; async function runCliGenerator(args: Partial = {}) { const cliGenerator = new DocsGen({ inputRootPath: ROOT, packageName: 'cli', ...args, }); await Promise.all([ cliGenerator.section({ title: 'CLI', description: 'Use the `@shopify/hydrogen-cli` to quickly get up and running building hydrogen apps.', url: '/api/hydrogen/cli/', entry: '../', hidden: true, }), cliGenerator.section({ title: 'Commands', description: 'Command reference for the `@shopify/hydrogen-cli`', url: '/api/hydrogen/cli/commands/', entry: 'commands', tableColumns: ['Command', 'Description'], hidden: true, }), cliGenerator.section({ title: 'Create', description: 'Create command reference from the `@shopify/hydrogen-cli`', url: '/api/hydrogen/cli/commands/create/', entry: 'commands/create', tableColumns: ['Command', 'Description'], hidden: true, }), ]); } async function runHydrogenGenerator(args: Partial = {}) { const generator = new DocsGen({ inputRootPath: ROOT, packageName: 'hydrogen', ...args, }); await Promise.all([ // Components // Primitive generator.section({ title: 'Primitive', description: 'Get familiar with the Hydrogen primitive components included in Hydrogen.', url: '/api/hydrogen/components/primitive/', entry: [ 'components/ExternalVideo', 'components/Image', 'components/MediaFile', 'components/Metafield', 'components/Model3D', 'components/Money', 'components/RawHtml', 'components/ShopPayButton', 'components/UnitPrice', 'components/Video', ], }), // Global generator.section({ title: 'Global', description: 'Get familiar with the Hydrogen global components included in Hydrogen.', url: '/api/hydrogen/components/global/', entry: 'foundation/ShopifyProvider', }), // Product and variant generator.section({ title: 'Product and variant', description: 'Get familiar with the Hydrogen product and variant components included in Hydrogen.', url: '/api/hydrogen/components/product-variant/', entry: [ 'components/ProductDescription', 'components/ProductMetafield', 'components/ProductPrice', 'components/ProductProvider', 'components/ProductTitle', 'components/SelectedVariantAddToCartButton', 'components/SelectedVariantBuyNowButton', 'components/SelectedVariantImage', 'components/SelectedVariantMetafield', 'components/SelectedVariantPrice', 'components/SelectedVariantShopPayButton', 'components/SelectedVariantUnitPrice', ], }), // Cart generator.section({ title: 'Cart', description: 'Get familiar with the Hydrogen cart components included in Hydrogen.', url: '/api/hydrogen/components/cart/', entry: [ 'components/AddToCartButton', 'components/BuyNowButton', 'components/CartCheckoutButton', 'components/CartEstimatedCost', 'components/CartLineAttributes', 'components/CartLineImage', 'components/CartLinePrice', 'components/CartLineProductTitle', 'components/CartLineProvider', 'components/CartLineQuantity', 'components/CartLineQuantityAdjustButton', 'components/CartLines', 'components/CartLineSelectedOptions', 'components/CartProvider', 'components/CartShopPayButton', ], }), // Localization generator.section({ title: 'Localization', description: 'Get familiar with the Hydrogen localization components included in Hydrogen.', url: '/api/hydrogen/components/localization/', entry: 'components/LocalizationProvider', }), // Hooks // Global generator.section({ title: 'Global', description: 'Get familiar with the Shopify-specific commerce hooks included in Hydrogen.', url: '/api/hydrogen/hooks/global/', entry: [ 'foundation/useServerState', 'foundation/useShop', 'foundation/useQuery', ], }), // Primitive generator.section({ title: 'Primitive', description: 'Get familiar with the Hydrogen primitive hooks included in Hydrogen.', url: '/api/hydrogen/hooks/primitive/', entry: ['hooks/useMoney'], }), // Product and variant generator.section({ title: 'Product and variant', description: 'Get familiar with the Hydrogen product and variant hooks included in Hydrogen.', url: '/api/hydrogen/hooks/product-variant/', entry: ['hooks/useProduct', 'hooks/useProductOptions'], }), // Metafield generator.section({ title: 'Metafield', description: 'Get familiar with the Hydrogen metafield hooks included in Hydrogen.', url: '/api/hydrogen/hooks/metafield/', entry: ['hooks/useParsedMetafields'], }), // Cart generator.section({ title: 'Cart', description: 'Get familiar with the Hydrogen cart hooks included in Hydrogen.', url: '/api/hydrogen/hooks/cart/', entry: [ 'hooks/useCart', 'hooks/useCartAttributesUpdateCallback', 'hooks/useCartBuyerIdentityUpdateCallback', 'hooks/useCartCheckoutUrl', 'hooks/useCartCreateCallback', 'hooks/useCartDiscountCodesUpdateCallback', 'hooks/useCartLine', 'hooks/useCartLinesAddCallback', 'hooks/useCartLinesRemoveCallback', 'hooks/useCartLinesTotalQuantity', 'hooks/useCartLinesUpdateCallback', 'hooks/useCartNoteUpdateCallback', ], }), // Localization generator.section({ title: 'Localization', description: 'Get familiar with the Hydrogen localization hooks included in Hydrogen.', url: '/api/hydrogen/hooks/localization/', entry: ['hooks/useAvailableCountries', 'hooks/useCountry'], }), // Utilities generator.section({ title: 'Utilities overview', description: 'Get familiar with the Shopify-specific commerce utilities included in Hydrogen.', url: '/api/hydrogen/utilities/', entry: 'utilities', }), // SDK reference generator.section({ title: 'Hydrogen components, hooks, and utilities overview', description: 'Get familiar with the set of Shopify-specific commerce components, hooks, and utilities included in Hydrogen.', url: '/api/hydrogen/', entry: 'docs/', }), // Framework generator.section({ title: 'Hydrogen framework overview', description: 'Learn about the architecture and framework of Hydrogen.', url: '/api/hydrogen/framework/', entry: 'framework/docs/', }), generator.section({ title: 'React Server Components overview', description: 'Learn about React Server Components, an opinionated data-fetching and rendering workflow for React apps.', url: '/api/hydrogen/framework/react-server-components/', entry: 'framework/docs/', }), generator.section({ title: 'Working with React Server Components', description: 'Learn how to work with React Server Components in your Hydrogen app and the known limitations.', url: '/api/hydrogen/framework/react-server-components/', entry: 'framework/docs/', }), generator.section({ title: 'Built-in CSS support', description: 'Learn about the CSS support built into Hydrogen apps and how you can customize the styles in your app.', url: '/api/hydrogen/framework/', entry: 'framework/docs/', }), generator.section({ title: 'Cache', description: 'Learn how to manage cache options for Hydrogen apps.', url: '/api/hydrogen/framework/', entry: 'framework/docs/', }), generator.section({ title: 'Server state', description: 'Learn how to update the state on the server when you are building your Hydrogen app.', url: '/api/hydrogen/framework/', entry: 'framework/docs/', }), generator.section({ title: 'Routes', description: 'Get familiar with the file-based routing system that Hydrogen uses.', url: '/api/hydrogen/framework/', entry: 'framework/docs/', }), generator.section({ title: 'Pages', description: 'Learn about how page server components receive props.', url: '/api/hydrogen/framework/', entry: 'framework/docs/', }), generator.section({ title: 'Secrets', description: 'Learn how to store sensitive information in your Hydrogen project.', url: '/api/hydrogen/framework/', entry: 'framework/docs/', }), generator.section({ title: 'SEO', description: 'Learn how to customize the output of SEO-related tags in your Hydrogen client and server components.', url: '/api/hydrogen/framework/', entry: 'framework/docs/', }), generator.section({ title: 'Static assets', description: 'Learn how to reference and serve static assets in Hydrogen.', url: '/api/hydrogen/framework/', entry: 'framework/docs/', }), generator.section({ title: 'Third-party dependencies', description: 'Tips and tricks for using third-party dependencies in Hydrogen apps.', url: '/api/hydrogen/framework/', entry: 'framework/docs/', }), ]); } export default async function runAll(args: Partial = {}) { return Promise.all([runHydrogenGenerator(args), runCliGenerator(args)]).catch( (error) => { logger.error(error); } ); } runAll({ generateDocsForShopifyDev: process.argv .slice(2) .includes('--for-shopify-dev'), });