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== Security best practices
** Check for usages of `dangerouslySetInnerHtml`, `Element.innerHTML`,
** Ensure all user input is properly escaped.
** Ensure any input in `$.html`, `$.append`, `$.appendTo`,
latexmath:[$.prepend`, `$].prependTo`is escaped. Instead use`$.text`, or
dont use jQuery at all.
** Ensure all APIs are running inside the {kib} HTTP service.
** Ensure no usages of `eval`
** Ensure no usages of dynamic requires
** Check for template injection
** Check for usages of templating libraries, including `_.template`, and
ensure that user provided input isnt influencing the template and is
only used as data for rendering the template.
** Check for possible prototype pollution.
* Prototype Pollution
** Check for instances of `anObject[a][b] = c` where a, b, and c are
user defined. This includes code paths where the following logical code
steps could be performed in separate files by completely different
operations, or recursively using dynamic operations.
** Validate any user input, including API
url-parameters/query-parameters/payloads, preferable against a schema
which only allows specific keys/values. At a very minimum, black-list
`__proto__` and `prototype.constructor` for use within keys
** When calling APIs which spawn new processes or potentially perform
code generation from strings, defensively protect against Prototype
Pollution by checking `Object.hasOwnProperty` if the arguments to the
APIs originate from an Object. An example is the Code apps[spawnProcess].
*** Common Node.js offenders: `child_process.spawn`,
`child_process.exec`, `eval`, `Function('some string')`,
*** Common Client-side offenders: `eval`, `Function('some string')`,
`setTimeout('some string', num)`, `setInterval('some string', num)`
* Check for accidental reveal of sensitive information
** The biggest culprit is errors which contain stack traces or other
sensitive information which end up in the HTTP Response
* Checked for Mishandled API requests
** Ensure no sensitive cookies are forwarded to external resources.
** Ensure that all user controllable variables that are used in
constructing a URL are escaped properly. This is relevant when using
`transport.request` with the {es} client as no automatic
escaping is performed.
* Reverse tabnabbing -
** When there are user controllable links or hard-coded links to
third-party domains that specify target="_blank" or target="_window", the a tag should have the rel="noreferrer noopener" attribute specified.
Allowing users to input markdown is a common culprit, a custom link renderer should be used
* SSRF -
All network requests made from the {kib} server should use an explicit configuration or white-list specified in the kibana.yml